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cassette making a comeback


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My old truck, 03 Ram, has a cd and cassette player in it. I am looking to trade it in and the salesman, who I have bought my last 4 trucks from, is driving it. He said cool it has a cassette player. I'm like yeah but I have a new bike and it has one also.


He proceeds to tell me that cassettes are making a comeback, he said it was in one of their trade magazines and he has seen articles in business magazines. Then he tells me that come in looking for a vehicle that has a cassette. Now thats just crazy I think to myself and so I come home and search cassette player and tons of hits on them making a slow comeback.


Who knows we might be the new cool. . .:cool10:



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though I have to agree that it is kinda cool, there is no practical value. I mean, I got a closet full of them, but my sansa clip mp3 player has 1200 songs on it and growing. plug and play on the bike. the tunes go on for miles and miles and no need to "Flip the Tape."



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I recently purchased a Monster iCarPlay Cassette 800 at Walmart for $20. It goes right into the cassette player of the bike and has a plug-in for my IPOD. I was amazed at the sound quality! :bighug:

Boomer....who sez this setup really out does using the AUX jack/IPOD combo!!:cool10:

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I recently purchased a Monster iCarPlay Cassette 800 at Walmart for $20. It goes right into the cassette player of the bike and has a plug-in for my IPOD. I was amazed at the sound quality! :bighug:

Boomer....who sez this setup really out does using the AUX jack/IPOD combo!!:cool10:


Does this mean you can use the plug in for the mp3 and the aux jack for a GPS at the sametime?

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Does this mean you can use the plug in for the mp3 and the aux jack for a GPS at the sametime?


On de iCarPlay Cassette box it sez you kin listen to SmartPhones, Tablets,MP3 Players and more.....:cool10:

Boomer....who sez the Volume is really LOUD when using dis Cassette thingy too!:cool10:

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Guest tx2sturgis

The cassette adapter has much more audio level than the AUX jack on my bike also...so thats the way I pipe in the music...been doing it that way on the Venture for 6 years...of course the only downside is the little cable that has to be squeezed by the cassette cover door and routed out of the dash, but its not a big deal unless you are REALLY picky about how the dash looks.


I'm happy with the way mine works.




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When you select cassette I don't think you can listen to aux a well?


No you cannot use the AUX when using the Cassette 800. That's not a problem for me because I run my GPS from the 12volt plug-in on the left inside of the fairing.

I don't close my cassette door on the wire coming from the Cassette 800 either...I think doing so would eventually cause damage to the wire....:whistling:

Boomer...who sez if ya like yer moosic LOUD then this set-up will fill de bill very nicely...:cool10:

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Guest tx2sturgis

I don't close my cassette door on the wire coming from the Cassette 800 either...I think doing so would eventually cause damage to the wire....



Yes, it might damage the wire eventually, but mine has worked perfectly for 6 years...squeezed by the little plastic cover door seems to have little effect. I keep the cover door closed tightly. It does make the cover door a bit harder to open...but no matter, since I wont be opening it more than once or twice in several years. And if it ever does damage the wire, I will fix it or replace the adapter.





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Guest tx2sturgis

My Venture has oldschool tech...carbs and a cassette player.


My Ural also has carbs but they added this newfangled thing on the side...called a kickstarter! Yall think kickstarters might be making a comeback too?













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I would welcome a kickstarter on any bike. If the bore(s) is/are large, manufacturers could just add a compression release just like on my SR500. When I boought my first Maxim in 1980, there was no kickstart. I had some trepidation then.


And cassettes? Still got a few.


Yesterday, I went to our CMA meeting on the MM. I just had to chuckle a bit knowing that I was riding a 13 year old bike while listening to a 30+ year old cassette of Fleetwood Mac.


Retro meets techno.

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