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Cranked up my 2005 VR R/S in the garage and saw the low beam is not working; the high beam is okay. I guess if any of you knew me better it would be some joke about not knowing how to change a light bulb. Well, is there a trick to it; what do I have to do to get to the bulbs?:lightbulb::lightbulb:


Best way is to split the fairing, which takes 10 - 15 minutes when you know what you are doing. An easy task. If you have tiny fingers you may be able to get to it without splitting the fairing...


I notice that this bike is sort of set up so that one would be inclined to take it to the dealer.

Lots of booby traps.

Like the Chrome strip on the Fairing, (Breaking Tabs)

The hinge on the trunk, (Says break me all over it, the way it ratchets)

The idle adjust is pretty well hidden.

They tried to hide the Allen bolts on the front of the tank,

Nice trick hiding the drain plugs for the cylinders,

They really hid the radiator cap!

OH! Hows about that little hole plug at the bottom of the lowers! How many people busted their lowers getting them off with that thing? And its not easy to get the center to pull out although I did find the trick.

OH Oh OH! Here

s a big one,


HOW about that fuel filter!~


How the SM should read:


1.Remove Seat,

2.Remove side cover and cut finger on sharp zip tie.

3.Wipe blood on shop rag.

4.Remove center cover,

5.Wipe more blood on shop rag.

6.Remove Radiator recovery tank and , 6a.Wipe blood on shop rag.

7.Look at it funny, try to get it and surrender, think a while as you .....

7a. Wipe blood on shop rag!

(its ok at this point to look at the bike and say "Are you serious? REALLY?" )

8. Ok the Battery needs to come out!

8a. Remove battery, 8b.Wipe blood on shop rag.

9. Remove battery enclosure. 9a.Wipe blood on shop rag.

10. Remove screw holding hose clamp next to fuel filter, watch for trick nut to fall and get lost. (Why did that nut not get welded on?)

11. Remove fuel pump, 11a. Wipe blood on shop rag..... stick hands into the bowels of the bike in a gynecological sort of way and coax fuel filter up and out.

12. PRY fuel filter out of rubber mount using the sharp end of a test light, Stab yourself and 12a. Wipe MORE blood on shop rag!

13. Install new $16 Yamaha fuel filter making sure Arrow points towards fuel pump as the filter is directional, another Yamaha Booby trap!

13a Wipe blood on shop rag.

Reverse procedure to finish up.



Im sure I missed a lot, but Just sayin.

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