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Lost a close family member and best friend today


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Today I got news my sister in law and best friend lost her battle with a pulminary lung disease ill have to finish this later its to hard to deal with right now

Edited by Eck
spelling correction (was beat - is best)
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So sorry to hear of your friends passing, I know all too well what your going through just loosing Gunboat several weeks ago. I wish you the best in your healing, you have my # if there is anything I can help you with....

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thank you everybody for your support it has been trying times for me the last couple of months when things start looking up i get knocked back down and this was a hard blow to me but i do have the good memories of her in my heart and mind as does the rest of my family as for the trying times i have not mentioned to but a few on here what i am going through and figured i would let everyone know what i went through when all is said and done i know i have yalls moral support and prayers and right now that is all i need as that gives me strength to get back up brush the dust off and keep on moving forward please know this i will let everyone know whats going on when its all over with this is just a time and problems i need to figure out and fix on my own as no one can do this for me just keep the prayers coming thank you every one



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