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On The Road Again...


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How about in Canada after all it is a International Rally?


Reiny Roster organized one in Kitchener back in 08. Now that he is a new old member maybe he will do it again :rotf:


Glad you made it safe and sound



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I wish I could! But that's something that's out of my league and I'm sure we just don't have the facilities in my area to support such an event.:detective: But I would be glade to help out in such a venture tf one of the SW Ontario boys where to host one!:backinmyday:



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Oh? A Skid In International??


Anyway, my comments on Becky's car. We averaged 62 mph down to here and got 34.7 mpg. We were averaging 37 until we started hitting the construction. I give the Altima overall a 9.7 out of 10, my main complaint being for me the seat does not fit me right, and I find the steering wheel small. For a 4 cylinder it is very peppy and with the exception of acceleration it performs as good as the V6 in my Malibu. Actually, for a 4 it accelerates quite well! I also would like the big screen for GPS etc up a little higher, but the voice commands from the BITB mute the radio when given, so it is not a real issue. The lane guides are a big plus especially the blind spot notification. I'll bet it prevents more than one accident! One minus being you can not program the GPS on the fly, the vehicle must be stopped, which is a safety design and does make sense.


More this evening, time to get ready for the day...

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OK we made it to De Land Florida today. Put on 618 miles on a single tank of gas!!!

Averaged 35.2 mpg at an average speed of 72 mph. Yes, I am one of those kind of drivers that is usually 10% above the speed limit. I've slowed down since my younger days. There was one spot getting ahead of traffic we hit 95 and there was plenty more to go! I26 between Charlotte and I95 is a crazy highway! I95 is boring, almost perfectly flat and straight and trees on both sides.


The wedding is tomorrow afternoon. We are checking out Wed morning and going over to my friend's house for the night. On the way I'm meeting up with a member of Trike

talk forum. Thursday we are travelling from Davenport Fl to around Vogel where we plan on stopping in the AM for a while then continuing home...

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Sorry for no update yesterday, but we were in a hard to access the internet location yesterday!!


First off, the wedding. Man oh man, what a beautiful ceremony and wild reception party!!! The ceremony was held at Stetson University in their Chapel complete with a 5 piece orchestra! Very n ice service! It was held on Tuesday strictly because of the date, the 6th, which was the day they met! The reception was a blast!! My friend Ron and his wife are professional entertainers and they are friends with this really good retro band that did a great job of performing! During their break, My friend and his wife, along with their old drummer from the band from the 70's when I knew them did a reunion and preformed a set. Man, what a fantastic flashback!!


Being a unique couple both from unique backgrounds the reception turned out nonstandard! A girl caught the garter among the bachelors and repeated it twice more! Then to top things off a guy caught the bouquet!! Now the couple went to a lot of legal work to make their married name the same as the bride's maiden name in honor of the grandmother who was there still ready to party at the young age of 95!!! She regrets not being able to get up on the dance floor as she needs a walker but the spirit was there!! All of us on the floor really felt in our 20's again although some of us felt it the following morning!! The bride is now to be known as Geraldine McBoing Boing for those who remember Captain Kangaroo as she was soooo happy she was literally hopping up and down on the dance floor!!!


The following day we went over to my friend's house in Davenport Fl but along the way in the same town we visited a member of Triketalk.com, a trike website I have recently joined. We had a wonderful time of fellowship, and also polished off a bottle of wine before hitting my friend's place for further festivities! There we met another friend of his from their college days who I had heard of but never met, and found out that he had heard of me as well and was glad to meet! We both had a great time at the reception and now I have another friend in New Hampshire!!! Great evening!!!


So, today we made it all the way to Atlanta at yet another Hampton Inn! We got here just in time for Customer Appreaciation night and we got free Subway subs AND free wine!!! Saved us the expense of dinner! Tried to reach Lewis by cell phone but had to leave a message. Hope someone is there when we drop by Tomorrow around noon...

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Only to those in the know, Trader!!


Well here we are in Sutton WV halfway between Skid and Yammer, and also sort of close to Easy Rider. We weren't planning on coming quite this far but all the hotels from Va to here were full! We're in a Microtel way up on a hill and it's actually quite nice! The rate was under $100 and at 8 PM I'm happy to find any room! Good thing is we are only 6 1/2 hours from home. The trip has been fun but after 2 weeks on the road there's no place like home...

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I think this is a day late, but happy birthday. It appears you had a really good trip and sorry we are going to miss you at Vogel. I know how good it feels to finally be home.

Say hello to Becky and hope you have many more birthdays!

Don and Patti

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