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On The Road Again...


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We made it to 13 miles away from Indiana and are holed up in a Holiday Inn. Guess that makes me smarter, eh?!!?


Carbon 1's auxillary tank performed flawlessly today doubling how far we can get between fill ups. I'm a happy camper!


See everybody Sunday!!

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Is the 2nd Gen mileage that bad?

I just thought when I was riding alone added range would be cool.




The Hannigan trikes 2 up pulling a trailer get in the neighborhood of 25 to 30 mpg. Extra range is good for those folks. There are a few options for going with an aux tank, the iron butt guys have the aux tanks and you could modify one over fairly easily and for relatively low money if your looking for more range solo...

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Squid, I WISH I got that good! More like around 20 on the expressway...


20 mpg! that sucks. I got 30 pulling a trailer,2up. The Hannigan must be a bit heavier then the motortrike. or the gearing is lower. Heck I get 20 mpg with my Chevy 1/2 ton.:confused24: just saying.

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Well, made it as far as Rochelle Il at another make you smarter place. Got rained on twice today but not even enough to slow down for. Sure was chilly though! Found out we are only about 30 miles from Dixon, but we are too tied and cold to go out. So I guess we are going to settle in for the night and maybe meet up in Dixon tomorrow morning with the group going from there.


We were going to try to make it to Rockford and meet up with Freebird unless his Harley broke down, but we didn't feel like driving an extra 1/2 hour up there. Oh well, see everybody tomorrow...

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Wello, we left the International today and made it about 60 miles into Ohio and are snuggle3d into a Hampton Inn for the night. We should be home tomorrow evening.


Almost made it across Illinois on just the reserve tank. Buzzed along doing in the 70's. Did closer to 80 thru Indiana and Ohio. No problems...,

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