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I want to be able to carry my golf clubs on my 87 but don't want to pull a trailer. I have a hard case for my clubs and thought of putting a luggage rack on my trunk but am wondering 2 things--1-will this be too much weight for the top of the trunk and 2- will it act as a spoiler and possibly lift the back end as I'm going down the road? I would like to be able to carry 2 sets(wifes) as well but don't think that will be able to happen. Thanks for any advice-help

:confused24: :whistling:


Im getting the Venture Dad one. I think to use those carriers you need the square reciever. That or the khromewerks but the Venture dad is cheaper and you will find that quite a few here have them.


I don't golf a lot but we have a big course nearby and a par 3 executive course at the other end of the island. I found a soft bag which only holds 4-5 clubs. I pop in my 3,7,9 and putter ( it even has an insulated pocket for 4-5 beers) and sling it over my sholder and head out on the bike. It cost $ 24.00 CDN at a golf store. This probably isn't what you want but it does fine for a duffer like me. Golf is not a game to be played sober.


1st gen hitch on ebay....see my post and link in the main forum. VentureDad does not make hitches for the 1st gen. sure wish he would...thats a nice rig and very reasonable.

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