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What I like about my bike is...


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Warden is pushing me again. Get a New one but all the others have to GO... A new 2nd Gen. Or my 1st Gens??? It does make me think.The new to me 1st Gen I got was a mistake (I got burnt) but I can still make a nice ride out of it. For some reason she is pushing me on this. Can't even find a 2nd Gen around here. I think I know what I'll be riding. All those parts I have stacked up. What to do??

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I'll never forget the day I saw (and bought) my first Venture. It was the silver /gray 1999, first year of the 2nd gen. At the time I was the proud owner of a 1998 Harley 1200 dual plug Sportster. Fastest production Harley on the market. Just wasn't good for two up riding. Anyway, I stoppped by the rice market (Yamaha shop) looking for a ramp. I went for the front door (where my new bike was sitting), and just as I was about to grab the handle, I did a double take at that bike by the door. Spun around on my heals and said to the salesman standing there, "What's That?" It was love at first sight. The most beautiful bike I'd ever seen. After practically drooling all over it, I took it out for a ride and that was it. By by Harley. Hello Yamaha! Traded that Harley in that very day and never looked back.


Unfortunately, the Venture was a better motorcycle than I was a rider. After only two short years of that love afair, I went too hot into a curve. The Venture was too badly damaged and was totaled out. I was in pretty bad shape myself, with a blown up left wrist and my lower lip hanging down over my chin. I recovered (with a fused left wrist to remind me) and began riding again after a while. I still had my Kawasaki ZL1000, but I knew I didn't need that, so I sold it. Then bought a 1983 RSV Royale. Still have it but not rideable at this time. Put quite a few miles on it though, and really enjoyed it. Darn good handling bike.


Then came the afternoon that I cruised by "Craigslist" and the posting for a 2003 Raspberry/Tan Venture. "My God", I says. "That's even more beautiful than the old silver!" The trip to go and see the bike was short. Only about 20 miles! In short order, I was again a 2nd gen Venture owner, and although it took a little time for us to get used to each other (I still loved the old gray mare), she eventually won me over, I not being able to resist her beauty and elegance. Not to mention that she's a damn fine ride!


What I like best about my bike, is the fact that I can still get on her. I installed a set of 1 1/2" risers on the bars and now when I mount her and settle down in the saddle, it's like "this is where I belong." With the risers, I can now rest full back into the Utopia backrest, and still have a comfortable reach on the bars. It's almost like riding a recliner that goes where you point it.


Oh yeah. And I love it when the Harley guys can't keep their eye's off her.

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