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Kick me while I'm down..............


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Nothing like being kicked while your down, still out of work because of my knee surgery, and a couple of days ago my back starting hurting, thinking it would eventually go away, but no, it has gotten to the point It hurts regardless of what I do, I can only sleep on my left side, and rolling over is pure misery. I have back problems, and had a steroid injection just this past Tuesday a week ago, and now its worse than ever. Going to the Dr. today to see whats going on, I cant get comfortable in any position, and moving is pure agony. In reading up on the WWW, all you get is what ifs and you start thinking everything you read is what you got, till you get to the next article, I gotta stop reading those. So how was your weekend, mine sure sucked!!!!!!:crying::crying:

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I feel your pain! Actually I do. I have had knee surgery ,1 & 1/2 years ago still bothers me. Sevier degenerative disc disease in my lower back and sevier austioarthritus in my right shoulder. I only take pain killers, morphine, when the pain is completely unbearable. But I do not let it dictate what I'm going to do. I ride my bike, I still fish the rivers and hunt deer every fall alone. In fact I have found that the more I do with out the meds the less I notice the pain. Control the pain don't let the pain control you. And forgive the spelling please.



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I blew my back out big time in my mid 20's. Two weeks in traction. So every once in a while I end up 'tweeking' it, and sometimes really screwing it up. I learned to live with it over the years, but when they discovered Motrin/IBpropin it made my life a lot easier. It's the old folks med of choice.... Like Steve said it's probably been agrivated by favoring your knee....

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Went thru those doors back in 03, learned the hard way that it takes a good neuro surgeon and an MRI to find the issue and deal with it.. That nerve bundle down the spine is one sensitive little puppy and NOTHING to fool with.. The pain is excrutiating and fighting it with drugs really complicated matters for me (getting hook on the stuff and than trying to get off it is no picnic).. I really feel for you my friend!!!

Get help BEFORE you start experiencing numbness!!

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If I came by to kick you while your down, I'd have to kick you in the rump to straighten you up so you could walk and ride again..

Man I wish you were better guy. Your a real pain in the HEART for me..

Here is to wishing you well my friend!! :thumbsup2:

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Could be a disk out of place. Extremely painful. Could probably be muscular from the extra strain. Use hot packs ( to relax the muscles) and alternate with cold packs ( to reduce swelling). Hope you are better soon

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Just got back from the MD and took urine sample and blood tests. The urine sample showed elevated counts of bellirubin in my urine, and its not supposed to be there. Sent me for an abdominal x ray, so I should be hearing back a little later this afternoon on the x ray. It looks to be something to do with my liver, I did have hepatitis over 30 years ago, and if I remember right these pains are very similar to what I had then. Once you have it you never get rid of it either, it stays dormant unless something happens to kickstart it again, heaven forbid. So now I am sitting around waiting and not reading anymore on the WWW, except here. At least it is not making me miss work, I am already out..........LOL. :buttkick::buttkick:

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Hi Lewis;


Sorry to hear about you having that pain with the back. There's nothing worse! This may not be your "cup of tea" or may not be the solution, but I'm going to recommend going to a qualified Chiropractor. Working in construction, before retiring, my back would go out of place, sometimes about once a year. Usually, I couldn't even straighten up to walk. And once, my wife had to actually push down on my shoulders to fit me into the passenger seat of the car to take me to the Chiropractor. The pain was always a killer! Five minutes after his mulipulation, I would walk out as new man again. Wow, like a miracle. He was my llife saver, that's for sure. Good luck to you! Owen.

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Not for me, I have already had surgery on my neck, and I need surgery on my lower back, so dont want anyone manipulating anything thats already damaged............my wife tried one, but everytime she left the office her back went right back to hurting.

Hi Lewis;


Sorry to hear about you having that pain with the back. There's nothing worse! This may not be your "cup of tea" or may not be the solution, but I'm going to recommend going to a qualified Chiropractor. Working in construction, before retiring, my back would go out of place, sometimes about once a year. Usually, I couldn't even straighten up to walk. And once, my wife had to actually push down on my shoulders to fit me into the passenger seat of the car to take me to the Chiropractor. The pain was always a killer! Five minutes after his mulipulation, I would walk out as new man again. Wow, like a miracle. He was my llife saver, that's for sure. Good luck to you! Owen.

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