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i thank you all for you prayers and well wishes


2 1/2 hour surgery tomorrow to try and repair the retina .


doc said no guarantee, but worth a try.


i still have one good eye to see my beautiful grandkids:thumbsup2:


Will pray it all works out. I lost vision in my right eye in 1979 and have gotten used to it. Never really had a problem driving, you just have to swivel that head a little more to make sure all is well on that side. As was said depth perception can be a problem at times, just be careful of especially stairs. Hope they can do something for you and you don't have to loose it.



I feel for ya buddy.

I suffered a minor injury to my left eye about 20 years ago to the extent I have permanent blurred vision there. My right eye does the heavy lifting and fortunately I retain my 3D vision.

To cap it off a couple of months ago - when I had my eyes checked for new specs my optometrist tod me I have very early (minor) onset of cataracts.

Sh'appens eh?


Thoughts and prayers are with you. It is difficult at first but as you are reading here, many have similar sight issues and are able to do what ever they want, just a little more carefully.

Good luck.



Gee I don't know how I missed this thread Scott but I sure am sorry to hear about your dilemma. Hopefully your surgery is a great success so you can have two good eyes again.


As we discussed in the email a couple of days ago, they can do some amazing things with microsurgery on eyes now. I am hoping and wishing for best possible outcomes for you, and have lots of confidence that things will work out great for you.




i know its to early to know anything but Scott i think i speak for everybody that we are all worried about you and sending good thoughts and prayers for ya i hope you will be able to read this post with both eyes :fingers-crossed-emo


You already know this Scot but I want to repeat it here. Good luck my friend. You deserve it. Hope to see you soon once we get back home from our Venture East, and hope you will "see me" through both eyes by then.


My laptop quit, I am on my cell trying to peck out this message.

Surgery was four hours as other damage was found. A schleral buckle was installed, scar tissue cleaned up and a couple other things with big names were done. They retina was detached and the attempt to reattach has been done. Face is a bit swollen and some various colours have appeared. Now the healing stage begins , eye patch on .

Doc says more surgurys to follow.

Man it aches at the moment, but the other eye is enjoying babysitting two grandaughters today.

Thanks to all


Glad to hear from you Scot. The fact that surgery was performed at least adds an element of hope. Here's to hope and success to what is obviously going to be very long road. Best of luck to you friend. Prayers sent on your behalf.

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