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well, all of a sudden yesterday, i lost sight in my right eye.

i went to the hospital and they checked me out, ran a whole bunch of tests and scans, checking to see what is going on. doc said that i have lost vision in the right eye and it most likely will not get better. so i am now adjusting to sight out of one eye.

i go today to an opthamologist today to get a second opinion.

i guess bike riding will be on hold for a bit.

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Wow Scott, I sure did not want to read this, especially with you being told there is little hope of recovery. Do you have any vision at all, or is it completely black?

I can say that it is a bit of an aggravation at times, but you can adapt and go on with your life. Riding is different in that the depth perception seems a little tricky, but you will get used to it. I have probably put about 15,000 miles on the bike since then.

My vision loss in my right eye started Sept 23, two years ago. I had a Vitreous hemorrhage and then a detached retina. At this time I have no usable vision in this eye as I can only see a small area and it is very distorted. I do better when I use a patch or black out the right side of sun glasses.

Please keep us posted as you know more as there will be a lot of us praying for you.



i can see light and dark, but cannot tell what i am looking at through the right eye. i am now walking around with the right eye closed and trying to adjust seeing out of the left eye. i guess a patch may need to be used. man this is different. bike riding is out for now.


I am sorry to hear that you have lost vision in your right eye. I have went most of my life with being blind in my left eye. It is a pain sometimes but you can make it and ride a bike again. My state restricts me that I can only drive vehicles with mirrors, but what car or bike doesn't have mirrors anymore. The big thing I have to stay conscious of is depth perception. I always allow plenty of room between me and the car in front of me, and when pulling into traffic when in doubt I wait. Again I am sorry but when the shock wears of remember you can still lead a very normal life. I would say protect the good eye you have left. I wear eye protection when riding, mowing, shooting, or anything that could cause damage to my good eye.


I, too, have recently contracted some type of sight problem. A few weeks ago my right eye developed a dark area in the center of my vision. It isn't blacked out but rather has a round area that is if covered by a sunshade. Very distracting. Hope it doesn't get any worse. I guess I need to find out if Fort Smith VA has an ophthalmologist but I'm betting that even if so, there wouldn't be much to do about it. Let us know what you find out about yours. And who knows, maybe your sight in that eye will come back. One day, about twenty years ago, I was working on a car in my shop when, without warning, I went totally blind. I took a few steps with my arms feeling around when just as suddenly it came back. Very strange. Of course about a year before that I had undergone brain surgery, so I figured it must have been something related to that. Anyway, I hate to hear that you, or anyone, has a vision loss, even if partial.

i can see light and dark, but cannot tell what i am looking at through the right eye. i am now walking around with the right eye closed and trying to adjust seeing out of the left eye. i guess a patch may need to be used. man this is different. bike riding is out for now.



Scott; get to an eye doctor as soon as possible, when my rt. went blank on a friday I called the eye specialist he told me to get to the hospital next day (sat). started treatment same day. He got most of my vision back in that eye.


I had a retinal detachment.


Take care Bob



You may remember that I had eye problems also a few years ago. I did ending up losing total vision in my right eye. Yes, it took some adjustment but you get used to it fairly soon. I actually find that riding the bike is easier than driving a car. The loss of the eye really increased the blind spot when driving a car...much easier to see when on the motorcycle.


Hopefully they can find the problem and restore the vision but if not, keep your chin up my friend, it will be OK.


praying for you. I have optic neuritis . that is how they found out I had developed MS.


there are times when I will get pain in my left eye and it feels like it wants to pop out.

the doctors put me on steroids. soon the vision returns. some times I get floaters or halos. when this happens I cover up that eye and I can ride. takes some adjustment but can be done.


Sorry to hear this Scott, hopefully it is something they can treat. All the best to ya and keep us posted on what the Drs have to say.






Sorry to hear about this.. If it is a retina problem I'd recommend seeing Dr Martin in Hamilton.. One of the best.. Very important to do this ASAP.. My daughter had symptoms similar to what you are saying and she had a retinal hole in one eye as well as a retinal detachment. He was able to fix both.. but it needs to be done soon. God Bless.. we will be praying for you..




Scott I will pray that your vision returns. My mother had neuritis of the optic nerve and lost her vision but after treatment her vision returned. Did you happen to notice a lot of "floaters" as they are often called. Little black spots that appear in your eyes? That is a sign of retinal detachment that can be fixed if treated quickly.

I hope things improve for you. Take care.

Yama Mama

Can't really give you any advice, all I can do is pray for you, and you can do that for yourself as well,,, helps a lot.


Same here...Prayers sent.


Scott, I'm sure you must be scared which is natural. Glad you went to the hospital and also getting a second opinion. I wish you all the best and hope you get to a eye Dr. who can diagnose what is wrong so they can figure if there is any thing that can be done. You are in our thoughts and prayers

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