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Having a great time with the Aussies


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Yesterday we went to the Radish with Annie and Alan. ADC showed with two of his sons, his wife, and his grandson. Then while we were waiting Mike (aka UTurn) showed up. Was great seeing him as well.

When we left the Radish we headed to the Wright memorial, after that we went to check out the "Lost Colony" to see if Annie would be comfortable. Turns out great so we headed to Big Al's for ice ceam then back to the show. If you ever come this way and can see the show do it. It starts at 8:00 and is over about 10:15. I'll post pics soon. Today we are heading back off to see some more fun stuff.

We'll try not to wear out Annie and Alan before they get to anyone else. :)



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These are the pics from the rest of the day. Wright memorial, Big Al's is where Al and Annie are sitting in the Adirondack chair, plus the pics of checking out the Lost colony seating.


I'll post more tomorrow probably. Not sure where all we'll end up today. Going to check what's open.



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Well Annie and Alan headed back to their hotel and will be heading out tomorrow. Got some more pics too. Went to Plymouth and checked out the sights. Took them to a really big gun store. They were pretty amazed at the store. Annie got a t-shirt from the place.

We headed to Somerset Place which was supposed to be open according to their website. Not so much though they were doing a major renevation on the main house. So we got to look around anyway.

So without further ado here are the pics.



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We are heading off tomorrow to travel through Virginia. Thinking Suffolk, Courtland, Petersburg and stop in Richmond.


We have had a wonderful time with Mini and the Muffinman this weekend. The " Lost Colony" Show was fantastic, and we saw more things than if we were trying to find them by ourselves.

Thank you guys ....... :bighug: That gun store was amazing!


Topped off the day with a Skype call with our daughter.

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