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OK, so I have a question for you RSV Masters out there. Last weekend went for a ride from my home in Hickory, NC out to Mountain City, TN.....Rode on "The Snake" and "The Devils Whip". It was about a 275 mile day.....


Here's the problem at about 175 miles of riding I slow down to make a turn onto the Blue Ridge Pkwy and the bike shuts off....been running like a champ until then. Try to crank it for a minute , won't crank. Wait a minute...cranks. This happens 4 or 5 more times on the way home, mostly when I am slowing down to a stop. All this happens within 20 minutes, the rest of the ride home....45 minutes was no problem. I get home and garage the bike.


I roll the bike out to wash her yesterday, when I went to put her up, same thing, gotta play with her to get her started(never had this problem before). I get her started and try to keep her throttled, she still cuts off. I get it started one time and really have her throttle up good....engine suddenly cuts off, not like its not getting gas either, it was as if I hit the kill switch. Another clue, I notice yesterday during all this that when the engine would die, the Yellow Engine Light would continue to blink 9 times, pause and blink 9 times again.


WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? This is a new problem, never had it before.....:detective:

Thanks in advance for your help.....you guys are great!


Winston 66,

says, I dont know if your model has the same parameters as my 1996 Royal star , but my Clymer Manual on page 65 states that 9 blinks from the diagonstic trouble code for .

the XVZ TF Models.

Says Emergency stop switch error.Perform perform the procedure described in EmergencyStop Switch Test (chapter 9)

Hope hat this helps .

Cheers ,Winston 66, Northampton , Western Australia



This could be one possibility, although I don't know if that would trigger the engine light. Also, there is a well documented problem with the ignition switch getting over heated. I had to repair mine last year. Again, i don't know if that would trigger the engine light.




The emergency stop switch is normally closed and is meant to open when the bike tips over. If some wire got loose or the switch got itself freed from its mount and is now dangling by the cables, it is well possible that braking (as you would do when coming to a stop) would trigger it, thus making the bike believe it tipped over.


Check the switch and its wiring.


I wonder if all of the unusual heavy leaning I did that day on the twisties could have brought on this problem with the switch????

I wonder if all of the unusual heavy leaning I did that day on the twisties could have brought on this problem with the switch????



so are you bragging or complaining?:stickpoke:


Not a first gen....so can't handle the curves:whistling:

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