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went to blessing this sunday. 7500 black hd's, 7500 various color hd's, under 10 1st gens, and about same # of cavalcades, I was suprised to see that many suzuks, and that few 1gens. Now the wierd part, bike ran good but bumps kept messing with electrical system. everything going off or flashing on and off. one bump would fix it the next would start it all over. finially being inoperable. then speedo quit. Talk about Jesus Christ talking to me. I didnt get bike blessed, opting to go up town and watch the crazys. I had money in bank to send to a bible study that I had ear marked for that reason, instead using it to purchase this bike. I knew it was bad and did it anyways. Speedo stopped at 79,666mi. The pervibial "check is in the MAIL" is a given. Bike died in my driveway after over 200mi Got off and speedo cable was dragging. sandy

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