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How would you solder this?


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So this is the continuing saga of my bent choke plunger. My machinest friend was able to straighten most of the bend out without breaking the tip off. But by so taking the bend out a wide crack or a gap appeared where the bend occured.



Maybe the plunger tip is strong enough or maybe not. I would like to somehow solder it to give it additional strength.



Any recommendations.

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Soldering would be easy, but I don't think it'd give you much additional strength.

I dunno how good you are with a torch, but if you want to try brazing it with a high silver content wire, that'd be the easiest way to get some strength without having to build up a mass of solder or braze.

If you want to try it lemme know, I can send ya a bit of either 45% or 56%.....won't take much...not sure which I have in the truck, along with a dab of hi temp brazing flux.

If it was me, I'd take a small file and deepen the groove along the crack and fill the groove with silver.

PM me with an address if you want me to send ya some.:cool10:

Edited by uncledj
Wanted to mention filing the groove
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I would have your machinist friend drill and tap a hole down the center and put in a Stainless steel set screw with red loctite. That will make it at least as strong or stronger than new.

If you cant find a SS set screw then use a SS screw and cut it off after tightening it.

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Why not take one off your extra carbs for now.


How did it get bent, not likely in the carb rack under normal conditions.




Yes, currently I am using one from my wrecked 91 VR. Only I would like to keep the 91 carb intact as a complete unit. I would like to salvage this one if I could.


How did it get bent. Well when I bought my 89 VR in 2010 the choke level would only open up about half way. Then in the spring of 2011 when I fixed a stuck float I saw that the right back carb choke plunger was missing the tip. So the choke was only activating 3 choke plunger. A member gave me a spare plunger. Well in the spring of 2012 the 89 VR again encountered carb issues only my time was occupied with my 91 VR. In the last couple of months I've been working on cleaning the carbs on the 89 VR then I saw the bent plunger on the Right front carb.


I asked that same question, how did the PO do that.

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