Sleeperhawk Posted May 11, 2013 #1 Posted May 11, 2013 For those that carry, nice interactive map of the states and their gun reciprocity. And please this is not to start a gun debate :no-no-no: , but info for those that carry on their rides .
dacheedah Posted May 11, 2013 #2 Posted May 11, 2013 Living in Illinois all I can say is thing God for HR218, been pushing our legislature to enact legislation the same as surrounding states for my non-leo brothers and sisters. I do remember taking a college class in 1981, I went from class to work and attending in uniform and the professor did not want a gun in the class. It ended up turning into a big deal because some collegiate types wanted the campus to be a gun free zone. The police chief went to the board for the college, after a lot of discussion the community spoke out against the college attempting to disarm the police. The college wanted officers (even on duty) to secure their weapons before entering the campus, that ended up an epic failure . The college was also in our jurisdiction, in the end the chief professor had to suck it up. Things you never thought would be a problem.
CaptainJoe Posted May 11, 2013 #3 Posted May 11, 2013 (edited) Question, I'm sure others are wondering about also is: If one were to attend the international rally this year in Illinois, if, your packing a weapon, ammo and weapon must be in seprate locked boxes, " say your saddlebags". EDIT The only time you can legally move and load such weapon in this state is at a firing range. sorry...Not true... better check with local law enforcement It would seem that if you stop, your no longer protected by federal interstate laws... END EDIT In other words one cannot take weapon into the motel room for protection. so.. just hope for the best? Edited May 12, 2013 by CaptainJoe
Hummingbird Posted May 11, 2013 #4 Posted May 11, 2013 Easy Rider said: Question, I'm sure others are wondering about also is: In other words one cannot take weapon into the motel room for protection. so.. just hope for the best? I've been back and forth to Florida, the East coast and most of the western states staying at hotel/motels for 30 years and haven't had to have a weapon in the room yet. btw - I do have a resident ccw for Ohio and non-resident for Pa. I think they cover 38 or so states.
CaptainJoe Posted May 11, 2013 #5 Posted May 11, 2013 Actually Iowa is less than 10 miles away... They have: Outright recognition State law which recognizes all valid carry permits issued by any state. Hummmmmmm...
CaptainJoe Posted May 11, 2013 #6 Posted May 11, 2013 Hummingbird said: I've been back and forth to Florida, the East coast and most of the western states staying at hotel/motels for 30 years and haven't had to have a weapon in the room yet. btw - I do have a resident ccw for Ohio and non-resident for Pa. I think they cover 38 or so states. Hopefully, you will never "need" one... I'm a "Hope for the best /plan for the worst" type of person... Also: used to be a "rather be judged by 12 than carried by six" person, but the way this system is all out of wack, I really don't want to spend any time in prison... I have zero faith in the judicial system as it stands...
Snaggletooth Posted May 11, 2013 #7 Posted May 11, 2013 It was a long time ago, back when I was still riding a GW, that I screwed up. I had spent the day at a local gun range and when I left there I had put my ammo and kit in the saddle bags and locked them up, as you should do. On the way home I had several cars pull along side and point towards me and then back off. I remember I'd reached down and made sure the bags were closed. Nothing else came to mind on why they were pointing. I had stopped at a traffic light and a Sheriff had pulled up next to me. I noticed he was looking at me so I gave him a nod and he smiled back and gave me a thumbs up before he pulled away. When I got home and was putting the bike away it hit me. I still had my revolver in my paddle holster on my belt. A .357 Python. Kind of noticable. Plain sight, right out in the open where it was as about as obvious as it could be. Except to me. There were no open carry laws here in Nebraska, the only permit available was the required registration that allowed you to "possess" a hand gun on your property. There were no cell phones back then so the encounter with the Sheriff was nothing more than a random event with a favorable outcome. Things were simpler back then. Would I want to make that mistake today? Oh, I'm pretty sure I won't. Even with all the right permits, all the rules followed and everything in the proper place and secured I still check all the new rules and laws before leaving the state.
OB-1 Posted May 11, 2013 #8 Posted May 11, 2013 Here's another resource for various state gun laws:
kevin-vic-b.c. Posted May 11, 2013 #9 Posted May 11, 2013 dacheedah said: Living in Illinois all I can say is thing God for HR218, been pushing our legislature to enact legislation the same as surrounding states for my non-leo brothers and sisters. I do remember taking a college class in 1981, I went from class to work and attending in uniform and the professor did not want a gun in the class. It ended up turning into a big deal because some collegiate types wanted the campus to be a gun free zone. The police chief went to the board for the college, after a lot of discussion the community spoke out against the college attempting to disarm the police. The college wanted officers (even on duty) to secure their weapons before entering the campus, that ended up an epic failure . The college was also in our jurisdiction, in the end the chief professor had to suck it up. Things you never thought would be a problem. I had similar here when my second son was playing little league baseball his coach, happened to be my nephew in law, was (is) a LEO. The weekend of "the big game" for league championship nephew was scheduled to work, he went to Staff Sargent and asked if it would be ok if he swung by the game, it was slightly outside his boundary but only a minute or two if he was needed. SS told him if he was a community ball coach he needed to be at that game for the kids, he was told to take the car, in uniform and coach his kids, just keep radio on. As most of you know, here in Canada guns are not common place only LEO are permitted to carry while on duty, other than that you need a permit to transport and a reason why. The parents of the kids seeing a uniformed cop on the field was shocking, I was park supervisor that day and I had parents coming up to me and asking if guns were permitted to be on the field in the rule book... I was proud to have him out there, new park rule went into play from that day.... all LEO and FD members buying meals at our concession on duty got 1/2 price and a free beverage with it.
CaptainJoe Posted May 12, 2013 #10 Posted May 12, 2013 from the links I've been reading if you stop in the state of Illinois for whatever reason, you are no longer covered by the federal transportation law??? So if one were to stop for gas?
alwrmcusn Posted May 12, 2013 #11 Posted May 12, 2013 Sleeperhawk said: For those that carry, nice interactive map of the states and their gun reciprocity. And please this is not to start a gun debate :no-no-no: , but info for those that carry on their rides . I don't get the map. When I click, it says to roll the mouse over a state. But there is no map. Do I need a different browser or some off the wall plug-in?
CaptainJoe Posted May 12, 2013 #12 Posted May 12, 2013 click on something under filter by gun laws hope this helps
uncledj Posted May 12, 2013 #13 Posted May 12, 2013 Hey ....I just looked and my OH cc permit is about to expire... I'll stop by the Sheriffs Office on Monday and get that taken care of. All the confusion throughout the States would seem to necessitate some sort of Federal permit. If you travel a lot it'd be easy to get yourself into trouble without knowing you're doing anything illegal. I'm just sayin'.....
dacheedah Posted May 12, 2013 #14 Posted May 12, 2013 Easy Rider said: Question, I'm sure others are wondering about also is: If one were to attend the international rally this year in Illinois, if, your packing a weapon, ammo and weapon must be in seprate locked boxes, " say your saddlebags". EDIT The only time you can legally move and load such weapon in this state is at a firing range. sorry...Not true... better check with local law enforcement It would seem that if you stop, your no longer protected by federal interstate laws... END EDIT In other words one cannot take weapon into the motel room for protection. so.. just hope for the best? It can be in a soft case, does not need to be locked or even a locking case but must be unloaded. Crazy thing is you can have a loaded magazine in the case with it and thats ok, but put the loaded magazine in the weapon and that constitutes uuw in Illinois. Most S/A'w will not charge it but that depends on what county you are in. You can take it into your motel room, tent . . . 2 situations where you can transport in Illinois are: 1) broken down and in a non firing state or 2) unloaded and cased it also must not be immediately accessible so under the seat is bad, glove box, behind truck seat or trunk are acceptable ( on bike in saddle bag ). They are out fighting those details now, At one point a off duty LEO could not carry in state park but a hunter could, welcome to Illinois , , ,
Brake Pad Posted May 12, 2013 #15 Posted May 12, 2013 Well, Illinois, Wisconsin & Minnesota, don't take my Florida License. I guess, I'll have to carry My handy Dandy SlingShot.
joboo Posted May 12, 2013 #16 Posted May 12, 2013 Here is a question for you all, when I carry, which has been a really long time, I always have a round chambered. My weapons of choice usually have a decock and safety so the detente block is there to avoid hammer contact. The question revolves ( no pun there) around the fact that a friend of mine said that he was talking with one of his trooper buddies that told him he could carry with his ccw but that he could not have a round chambered as it changed his "intent". I have never heard of such a thing even when I was a part time deputy, which was also a while back. Any Thoughts?
CaptainJoe Posted May 12, 2013 #17 Posted May 12, 2013 thinking he is mistaken Never seen anything in writing about that that would defeat the purpose, now wouldn't it...LOL
wes0778 Posted May 12, 2013 #18 Posted May 12, 2013 Hope this does not constitute a political comment, but what if we all inundated our federal lawmakers with requests for legislation making a CCW in one state good in ALL states, just like a driver's license?
Snaggletooth Posted May 12, 2013 #19 Posted May 12, 2013 joboo said: Here is a question for you all, when I carry, which has been a really long time, I always have a round chambered. My weapons of choice usually have a decock and safety so the detente block is there to avoid hammer contact. The question revolves ( no pun there) around the fact that a friend of mine said that he was talking with one of his trooper buddies that told him he could carry with his ccw but that he could not have a round chambered as it changed his "intent". I have never heard of such a thing even when I was a part time deputy, which was also a while back. Any Thoughts? I'd like to see more info on that myself. I also carry a decock and as stated not having one in the pipe, defeats the purpose in my book also. I've heard arguements both ways and understand that a LEO may see the intent issue, but it would be handy to know the final say on it.
cabreco Posted May 12, 2013 #20 Posted May 12, 2013 A reciprocity map is a good start but if you will be crossing state lines this guide is essential . It is updated annually and give SPECIFIC laws to each state, for example in some states you can carry in a bar & grill as long as you don't drink, in others you can't carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol. Know the SPECIFICS & don't get blindsided by accidentally breaking the law in states that honor your permit.
cabreco Posted May 12, 2013 #21 Posted May 12, 2013 joboo said: a friend of mine said that he was talking with one of his trooper buddies that told him he could carry with his ccw but that he could not have a round chambered as it changed his "intent". I have never heard of such a thing even when I was a part time deputy, which was also a while back. Any Thoughts? With all due respect to our LEOs (they have a nerve racking job) but I have found that you can ask 8 different officers & get different responses. In the end, it will be up to the prosecuting attorney to decide the "intent"
playboy Posted May 12, 2013 #22 Posted May 12, 2013 How many of you present your permit with your drivers license when requested by a LEO. I do everytime and only once was I asked where my weapon was at. All the other times they give it back and act unconcerned. This has been my experience in AR., OK., and TX. sometimes I get the feeling that the officer thinks hey this is a law abiding citizen and cuts me some slack. Driving a truck you get to meet them regularly.
cabreco Posted May 13, 2013 #23 Posted May 13, 2013 playboy said: How many of you present your permit with your drivers license when requested by a LEO. I do also, it's not required by law but here in Va they will IMMEDIATELY know I have a permit the minute the run my license. I do it as a courtesy. If I am up front with them the officer knows I have nothing to hide. Now in N. Carolina, BY LAW, concealed carry disclosure MUST be the FIRST thing that I say to the officer. Like I said in my previous post, although many states may honor your states CCW, each state has their own rules.
CaptainJoe Posted May 13, 2013 #24 Posted May 13, 2013 Snaggletooth said: I'd like to see more info on that myself. I also carry a decock and as stated not having one in the pipe, defeats the purpose in my book also. I've heard arguements both ways and understand that a LEO may see the intent issue, but it would be handy to know the final say on it. Another way to look at it ... In a six shot double action security six, say i take one out directly under the hammer. when i squeeze the trigger what's gonna happen? ...LOL the way i understood it: "a friend of a State trooper said..." Hearsay info is the least reliable source of information. Best to get it from the horses mouth, or, better yet, get it in writing and carry it with you. Like someone mentioned earlier...
CaptainJoe Posted May 13, 2013 #25 Posted May 13, 2013 wes0778 said: Hope this does not constitute a political comment, but what if we all inundated our federal lawmakers with requests for legislation making a CCW in one state good in ALL states, just like a driver's license? That would be nice... But you think it would stand a snowballs chance in hell of passing? federal database of all CCW people with photos. That ain't gonna happen either, although I believe it would be a step forward for our LEOS. RETIRED from the state of PA and the state of WV. as a computer systems analyst III. Wanted to attach drivers license photos to state employees identification badges for a project that I was working on. NO GO... Do you realize our state troopers can't even get a photo when they run your tags so they would know who "should" be driving the car? There is no rhyme or reason to it...
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