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Won't Make MD After All


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I forgot that there is a benefit that day for our neighbor's daughter that day. She has, or should I say had cancer and received both chemo and radiation treatments. She has two children of her own and the bills are really piling up! I have decided to support this function instead of MD this year.


Our neighbor is a very good one, she lets us store the trike in her garage over the winter, and our trailer is stored in her shed. We also store our lawn furniture in her shed over the winter as well...

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Bob, if you are not going to Freebirds' MD...are you going to B2Dad/B2Mom's Barbeque on May 18th ? Reason...I was going to hand you this R/R that I promised to give to you for free. If you are not going to be at one of these functions, let me know, and I will ship this out to you faster than you can buy your own storage shed to store your trike, your trailer, and lawn furniture:rotf:


I was thinking of shipping it to you anyway, because...I just knew you might not be there:(


Let me know, and send me a PM of where to ship this, but...when you get it, please do not store this at your neighbors house:shock3:




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