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The Doctor DOES know best


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I went to see my surgeon for my 8 week post-op rotater cuff surgery check up. The first thing was an xray then he asked if I had any pain ? Yes, I responded, it seems to be on the upper outside of my arm.


Have you been behaving ? Well, I said, it's hard for me to NOT do things.


Care to guess why you're having pain (again) ? no :scratchchin:


Whatever it is that you are doing that you know full well you shouldn't be doing has pulled one of the anchors out of your shoulder about 2 mm's.


The good thing is that the adhesive held to the anchor.


The bad thing is that its touch and go with regard to healing. It WILL heal and be OK IF you quit doing whatever it is you insist on doing for at least another 8 weeks.


Bottom line - either let it heal or pull it out more and get another surgery with a larger anchor.


How will I know if I pull it out ? You'll know !!


So betcha can't guess who's back to wearing their sling ? :bang head:

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Did I put too much tape on your package and you damaged the Dr.'s repair trying to open your box? Hope not. Whatever it is you have been doing............STOP!!


I went to see my surgeon for my 8 week post-op rotater cuff surgery check up. The first thing was an xray then he asked if I had any pain ? Yes, I responded, it seems to be on the upper outside of my arm.


Have you been behaving ? Well, I said, it's hard for me to NOT do things.


Care to guess why you're having pain (again) ? no :scratchchin:


Whatever it is that you are doing that you know full well you shouldn't be doing has pulled one of the anchors out of your shoulder about 2 mm's.


The good thing is that the adhesive held to the anchor.


The bad thing is that its touch and go with regard to healing. It WILL heal and be OK IF you quit doing whatever it is you insist on doing for at least another 8 weeks.


Bottom line - either let it heal or pull it out more and get another surgery with a larger anchor.


How will I know if I pull it out ? You'll know !!


So betcha can't guess who's back to wearing their sling ? :bang head:

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If you don't have the time or wherewithall to do it right the first time,,, where are you going to find the same for doing it all over again the second time around???

Not that easy to type and a whole lot harder to do,,, I Know!!!!

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Hummingbird, I am a doctor, or...at least I play one in a soap opera:rotf:


So, allow me to set that anchor, and I will make certain that it never comes loose again, no matter how much fun you are having.:whistling:




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Such a small price to pay for years free of pain. Do it now, or be quiet and hurt.

Mine felt like someone strapped a 25 lbs weight on my arm, (diffrent repair) I learned when not in a sling to hook a thump in my belt line to relieve some of the weight of my arm. What ever it takes.


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I didn't follow the Doctor's advice the first time around with the what I refer to now as the "minor" surgery. The second surgery involved a titanium made shoulder. Even coming home from the 2nd surgery I didn't "follow the orders" and had the issue below.


Now with my titanium should I get the special VIP treatment from the TSA at every airport since I sound off the metal detectors.. I think I'm engaged to TSA molesters...Uh..I mean screeners in Vegas, Phoenix, Atlanta, Raleigh and Fayetteville...


FOLLOW THE DOCTORS ORDERS... or learn to like the TSA guys really well.....

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