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Bought another house


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The pillion's birthday last week.

Didn't buy her anything because she said not to.

I felt a bit lousy about that, so next day I bought her a house.

True story!

We've been looking to buy an investment property in another city 1200 kilometres away, with a view to moving there in about three years to finally retire - right where our grandkids live.

She's stoked and I'm happy.

The rent we get will pay the mortgage until we decide to sell up where we are now, and what we get for our current home will more than pay off the 'new' one.

Happy birthday sweetheart.

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  • 1 year later...

A very important update.

We're moving. Yep, we're moving.

Sold our current home of 10 years and in three weeks we move to Adelaide.

No sense buying a birthday present if you can't enjoy it.

And get this - the removalist company is taking the bike for me as well.

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Forgot to mention - when I said a 'new' home, it's actually 100 years old. Four bedrooms, double brick and sandstone with timber floors and 12 feet ceilings. An oldie but a goodie. Can't wait!



You moving in with me?????

That sounds a lot like my house.

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  • 1 month later...

Just letting you all know that we arrived in Adelaide a week ago and are slowly unpacking and settling in.

Love my new 10 metres X 6 metres workshop. Caravan in one end, bike in the middle and workshop at the other end.

Needed a tilt tray tow-truck to unload the bike. Wouldn't clear the top of the ramps. Damn! Hate that.





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Congrats on the new home and happiness shared!!


Hey Spear, my son and his wife just moved from Adelaide to Broken hill...


Hey Eck.

Good thing they moved because this place ain't big enough for both of us. :p

Sorry I missed them. The Hill is only five hours north. One of my favourite places in all of Oz.

Tell 'em when they come back for a shopping spree to let me know and we'll have a catch-up.

You planning on a visit at any time?

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Hey Eck.

Good thing they moved because this place ain't big enough for both of us.

My son (Jason) and his wife (Gabrielle) love Adelaide. They really didn't want to move to Broken hill but had to because of employment reasons.

They both work at the Demo Club in Broken Hill (http://www.brokenhillaustralia.com.au/barrier-social-democratic-club/ )

My son is one of their butchers and his wife is their advertising manager


Tell 'em when they come back for a shopping spree to let me know and we'll have a catch-up.

I will tell them and pass on your phone number to them. My son is 40 and his wife is 35-ish?


You planning on a visit at any time?

Not anytime soon.. I have issues with flying over water.......I would have to be knocked out for me to fly over there..However, if I ever do get over there I will be there for at least two months. I would have to ship my wing over so I could do some riding there. I will contact you if I do come over.

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  • 10 months later...

Annual update. Been here nearly 12 months and loving it. Have to confess though that the RSV is on the market. Just bought myself a V6 TDI VW Touareg and something had to go. Unfortunately the bike lost out. ☹️

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