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I would like to thank you in advance for any help/replies. This is my 1st post and surely not my last. Caught in rush hour traffic came to stop and bike stalled out. Got her to start once I got it back in nuetral,but I had to stomp it hard to get it in gear or any other gear. She still stalls if I come to a complete stop. And if I'm sitting on her with the clutch fully squeezed the bike still creeps foward. I assumed it was the Clutch Cable so I adjusted the handle bar knob. When adjusted I can feel the bike pull harder while clutch fully squeezed,but I could never get it to stop with the handle bar adjustment. What should I do now?

Posted (edited)

And this is for the Royal Star Tour Deluxe 05 your talking about?


When is the last time the clutch fluid changed?


And welcome :-)

Edited by Cougar

Need to tell us what bike yoou are riding, the Royal Star line including the Venture and the Tour DeLuxe do not have clutch cables, so there is no adjustment.

The clurch is hydraulic, you may have air in the system, old or dirty fluid that compresses when pressure is applied or you could have a bad or leaking slave piston.


The 2nd gen has a cable? Its not hydraulic? If hydraulic be aware that the brake fluid will degrade under high temperature. I've had it happen myself. Try bleeding the clutch. If burnt the fluid coming out will be dark. If that is the case you must bleed it till clear fluid comes out. My 1st gen uses DOT 3 fluid- better check to see what yours takes.


Its a RSTD 05..Wow you guys replied fast thanks! I got new clutches 3 years ago and that's the last time the fluid was changed.


Success! Went to Harbor Frieght and got a knock off of the mytivac from pittsburg for $25. I had my 7 year old daughter squeeze the clutch while I worked the vacuum and wrench. Old fluid out,new fluid in. I'm switching gears like no tomorrow! THANKS AGAIN GUYS!!!!

Success! Went to Harbor Frieght and got a knock off of the mytivac from pittsburg for $25. I had my 7 year old daughter squeeze the clutch while I worked the vacuum and wrench. Old fluid out,new fluid in. I'm switching gears like no tomorrow! THANKS AGAIN GUYS!!!!


That has to be worth $12 alone. This is one of the most active forums with people who know what they are talking about. Real solid advise and info. :thumbsup2:


Just rebuilt my clutch master $20 kit ( took it to a local brake and clutch shop for $30 for rebuild-hey I spent 25 bucks on 4 different snap ring pliers before I threw in the towel:lightbulb: there)) and purchased new slave $85 ( Not that much fun to put in but a lot of wigglling and swearing )and stainless steel lines (RICS)....also purchased Harbor freight vacuum apparatus $25( on the 4th day). Filled master with DOT 3 . PUT SUCTION TO opened slave used a cable tie to depress clutch handle ....kept an eye on master fluid level while squeezing and applying more suction adding fluid to master as need be....no more air in Harbor Freight suction line then removed suction ...closed bleeder....topped master off....cut cable tie off clutch handle...replaced top of cylinder and voila.....new strong hydraulics!!!!


Of course it was a 15 minute job After 4 days of struggle and toil....I hadnt been keeping the clutch handle depressed other than pumping it with suction applied...things "opened up:lightbulb:" with the cable tie around the clutch handle and the suction could draw the fluid through the line. OMG DUH!!!! Damn shade tree mechanics think they know it all.


Honestly I read a lot of posts here and couldn't have done it with out VR support...Thanks

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