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i am looking for the fuse panel on my 96 rstc and cant seem to find it i dont have a manual for it to see where it is


There are 2, the sub fuse panel is under the upper left side rear cover. ( the painted panel below the seat) the main fuse panel is under the lower left side cover which is held on by the left passenger foot peg assembly.

:TEAL: :sign16:


the fuses are under the left side cover, take out the bolt at the back of cover the other one is fake. right below the tool kit, there's also a main fuse on the starter relay on the left side on the outside of the battery box (you have to pull the battery box out to get to it). one of them is a spare fuse, the one with the metal clips inside the plug is the main fuse. acid came out of my battery and ate the relay and fuse block up, it was getting a little voltage and it still won't start even with a jumper cables.

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