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Hay Guys

I've searched e-bay and Criegs list and all the manufacture sites everyone recommended. I still can't find floor boards for my 88 royal 1st Gen MKII.


So I need some help.

Does anyone have a set for sale that will fit my scooter?


I also went to the F4 site and also another can't remember name. They all stated they no longer carry the tall wide windshield with vent. So I'm up for any ideals you all may have.


Let me know here or e-mail me please


Thanks every one






I have a set of boards for a 1st gen, they came off an '83 that I have here. I am not positive if the boards were all interchangeable from the MKI's to the MKII's. If we can get some info on whether they will work of not, we can see about coming to a price for them. 1st gen floorboards are very hard to come by, and they dont go cheap if your lucky enough to find a set.


Lets see if some of our resident experts can give us a hand with this and we'll go from there.


Yup! MK1 and MK2 not directly interchangeable but can be McGuiver'ed. Marcarl may have the specifics but he went the other way, MK2 on MK1. There was a thread last week on floorboards in the First Gen Tech Talk and somebody mentioned about a pair for sale...

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