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Ok, on the Facebook subject..


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I'll give it a shot. With the group having a closed page I can deal with that. Be a nice link to the club so I'll check it out. Raising my daughter I had my fill of the wide open social media thing. She's grown out that now. She'll kick my butt if shes sees FB on my phone. :rotf:


So off I go. Smart phones........... don't even have a dial! Ha!!

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I would suggest NOT downloading the Facebook HOME update when it comes up for your android device. It changes a lot of stuff on your Android phone and makes FB your desktop on your phone. I would just leave the old FB App as it works fine.



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I would suggest NOT downloading the Facebook HOME update when it comes up for your android device. It changes a lot of stuff on your Android phone and makes FB your desktop on your phone. I would just leave the old FB App as it works fine.




Yeah, I've seen that problem with a couple of other apps. Everytime one gets an update something going wacky. Once I get an app that works I shut off auto-update and leave it alone.


When I first got the phone it had the FB on it. I tried to delete it completely but it's imbedded appartently. I get updates to it and I just uninstall them as they arrive.


I played with it for a while last night to move it to the SD card as I have a lot of room there but it's not moving. Back to the directions. :smash2:

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I would suggest NOT downloading the Facebook HOME update when it comes up for your android device. It changes a lot of stuff on your Android phone and makes FB your desktop on your phone. I would just leave the old FB App as it works fine.




In agreement 100% do not load that on you phone you will be turning everything you do on it over to FB for their usage, it's bad enough what they get away with on the site. If you want to access it just use the browser on your phone it takes a little getting use to but your also not telling Facebook about every place you go to.


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That is soooo boring! I say that but I do not have a smart phone. :Laugh:


I don't even know why I got this danged thing ... costs me more than it's worth (to me).


Was talking with some of the staff here the other day (all young ppl ... 20's) and the subject of Tiny Tim came up and his song Tiptoe Thru the Tulips ... one of the "kids" whipped his phone out and in seconds was playing that song. Suppose I could do that too but I just don't have the desire to play with all that other "stuff" this phone comes with. Would be interesting to see what some of these ppl's cell phone bills look like.

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I have a phone as well, can do almost anything, but all it gets to do is make phone calls and do the text thing,,,, the rest can wait until I gets on the computer. Enough already with everybody taking over my life and being enslaved to this, that, and what ever else they can throw at ya. And NO!!!! they're not going to put something on either my computer or my phone that I haven't specifically asked for. GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!

OK I'm done for now!

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I hear ya. I got a bad taste of this social media stuff bringing up my daughter, Both with phones and the 'puter. Usually on MY computer. She found out the hard way what she concidered "Private" was not even close. She's given it up.


I'd given some thought to the FB group for our group but never pursued it. I saw the on another post it was described as a "closed" page. If I can limit access to this group only I'd be happy with that. But FB seems to get into everthing. I figured I'd look into it a little more so I'm trying to learn what I can.


I use my phone mostly for texting, for me that required as I don't do voice calls. The smart phone allows me to monitor my accounts and access the web for information and I can receive e-mails via cell. But with all the places digging and tracking info....... not cool.


The only thing that sold me on a smart phone was a tracking app I installed on both our cells. My daughter was blown off the road last winter in a blizzard and the tracking took me right to her location. She knew what highway she was on but no idea of how far from anything. She was 6 miles from any kind of help. But that's about the only thing I enjoy with the danged thing.


Anyway, back to the ranch...........





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As others have mentioned, I have no use for FB or any other social media site. VR.org excepted of course.

That is soooo boring! I say that but I do not have a smart phone. :Laugh:
I got an old, not so smart, iPhone 3G for $50 and bought some minutes from 7-11 which uses the Rogers network. It will connect to Shaw WiFi at a lot of access points around town for free. Good for email and browsing the Web. Use it to sync with my Outlook calendar, track the weather, play FreeCell but mostly to keep my shopping list. Beats the heck out of using paper. Might use the iPod music feature eventually on the VR but haven't got there yet. Seems worth the price to me. :sun:


Here's what I do ....


Don't activate/subscribe to anything on my Android phone .... phone calls, text messages, that's it!



I went one less than you. Bought 25 minutes for $25 five months ago. One phone call and three text messages later and still have 15 minutes left. :dancefool:
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