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What can I say...............


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My 83 kick stand cutout didn't work one time and just about did the same thing. I was leaving a friends driveway so my lean wasn't to far but far enough to quicken the heartbeat when it happened. Years ago there was a accident in my town because of the kickstand being left down. The guy went down and slid underneath a pickup truck that was parked on the road shoulder. He was left a quadriplegic. The subsequent lawsuit that Honda paid I believe started the engine cutout or the rubber tipped kickstands that are on bikes now. In the process of proving if the kickstand was to blame for his crash the lawyers hired professional stunt riders to duplicate his crash. They stopped traffic and had these guys intentionally crashing. It was quite interesting to say the least. Their findings must have done the trick for his lawsuit he was awarded millions. Glad to hear you are OK Carl.:D

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Carl Carl Carl.......


I too am very happy to hear that YOU are OK. Now the challenge will be to get her back looking pretty.. Maybe some wonderful soul on here will have a couple of left side crash bars that would get part of the job done.. The big problem is gonna be the road rash on the fairing..

If there is anything I can do to help let me know..


Oh and BTW. My scoot will start and go into gear and move right along with the side stand down. It also shows on the dash that it is down. So something is not right on mine either. So far I've been lucky because the couple of times that I left it down it was forced up AS I was leaving.. Just a little shocking at that point..

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So sorry to hear that you have some more work to do on your 86, but I guess it could have turned out much worse for both you and teh bike. Now I guess you will also need to figure out how the side stand could do that to you with no warning?

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