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What can I say...............


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Yep, it happens, but why did I have to start it this year.

What happened you ask?????????

Well I'll tell ya!!!!

Well maybe I didn't start it, and some others are just too embarrassed to mention it, and maybe some might not even have noticed it yet,,,,,,,, but the scoot I was riding went to sleep,,, right in the middle of the ride no less,,, and it wasn't even parked, hey the wheels were turning and it was in gear one,,,, not only that, there were people watching me as it happened, but mostly they just waited their turn and then kept on their merry way, except for one young fella who offered to help me get 'er out of the sleep mode and back on her two wheels.

Here's what happened,,,, I think.

First ride of the season, a test ride on my 86 to make sure that the repairs and mods done were in fact repairs and that all that was supposed to work actually worked. First on the agenda was a tank of gas, then back on the scoot, pop it into gear, make a right turn at the road and let 'er out. Worked real good, does it ever feel nice to open the throttle and have first gen response, something everybody should experience in their life-time, at least once, even if you ride a Wing or something similar. Took it about 5 miles and then decided to turn left at a lighted intersection. My light was red so had to wait it out, it turned green, I waited for oncoming traffic, checked to make sure that all the others, 6 in total, were waiting their turn and then let out the clutch and proceeded to turn left. Well it worked for a short distance, about half- way through the turn and then somebody threw some grease or ice under my wheels. First the back started to slide to the right, then when I steered to the right to right things back up the front wheel thought it to be more interesting if it would slide in the same direction as the back wheel, heck they spent all winter together, so no wonder they were of the same mind. Anyways, 2 wheels going in the same direction at the same time and not going forward demanded that I have different riding skills than what I was able to conjure up in such a short time, so I vacated my position as chairman, and instantly became golfer. Needless to say, but I'll say it anyways, the bike and I parted company. I was in a better position than the bike, so even though I was no longer chairman, I took the lead, with scooter following close behind. Thank goodness it was not my 85, for she would have followed me a lot closer, being such a faithful steed, but it was the 86, and we had not been together for more than 10 minutes, and so she got somewhat confused and in doing so, done a spin around which caused her to loose momentum and so stay her distance. Buddy watching this in his truck said that 86 was not too happy about the whole ordeal and had let off some sparks in her lower midsection in protest. He offered to help me right her up, and humbly I accepted his offer, after which I did a quick check over, me and her, and then continued on my 'merry' way. So WHAT HAPPENED?

Best I can figure out is that when I left the gas pumps the kick stand did not go up, and the switch did not do it's job, so the bike started and went, until the left hand turn.

Lesson to be learned: don't depend on the electrics or the electronics, double check that what you think should have happened actually did.

Now, did I forget the kickstand????? probably, it won't come down by itself and it has marks on it that show it was involved as buddy in the truck said it was. But the bike should not have started or gone into gear,,,,, right?????? WRONG!!!!!!!.

This time no real damage, can be fixed,,, another time?????

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Glad there was no damage to you Carl but I bet you are sore from it. I never dropped one that I didn't get sore. That kickstand will get you. The stand on "Ugly" hides under the floorboards and is going to get me sooner or later. MuffinMan put a zip tie on it that stuck out where I would see it but its on the road somewhere. Need to work on that switch...Hope thats the worse story we get this spring!!

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Dang Carl! Not the way to start the season. :no-no-no: Sorry your bike took a beating in the process but sounds like you walked away ok. Good on that.


I've had conversations with riders about the effect the kick stand can have if left down. A lot of guys belive it will just kick up and no harm done. Not made to happen that way.


That does make a abrupt change of direction don't it.


Again, glad you're ok.



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My first question is..... is that a new rear tire I see? that would account for what you describe happening. 90 degree turn on a first gen with a new rear tire and you will be laying flat real quick if not careful.


Second question..... you want to buy another 86 identical to that one? I happen to have one I have to put up for sale very soon.

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My first question is..... is that a new rear tire I see? that would account for what you describe happening. 90 degree turn on a first gen with a new rear tire and you will be laying flat real quick if not careful.


Second question..... you want to buy another 86 identical to that one? I happen to have one I have to put up for sale very soon.

If it's exactly the same as this, I would be in trouble indeed. This one is lucky enough to have a total repaint except for the tank cover. Although it's a good scoot, it doesn't show or demonstrate it's history.

It's a good tire, but not new, and the back did not just slide out, the whole scoot, front and back went to slide.

Not that I will be riding very soon, but on at least one of my bikes, the trike, dont have to worry about that...............no stands.....................just wish I could ride right now and that would be a worry I dont worry about.:stirthepot::stirthepot:

You would have a problem on our rides then,,, for it's 'kick stands up' when it comes time to leave. So IF you should ever join one of MarCarl's rides, best get yourself a lick stand, just so you can do it.:stirthepot: :stirthepot: :stirthepot:

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sure it was the kickstand and not sand?



This time of year it's everywhere...like millions of tiny ball bearings all over the road!

No sand, none, I got to check up real close like, just clean smooth pavement, (when you look from the seat, but not so smooth when you're sliding on it).

Oh by the way, no scratch, no wear on the clothing, nothing but a small bruise the size of a quarter (where I'm not going to show it), and some dust marks on my skidoo suit.

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Sorry to hear about your ordeal Glad you are okay and the bike didn't take major damage.


On a positive note though Carl... this time you did remember to put the kick stand down at the gas station. That alone is a good start to the season !

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Glad your OK.


The worst part will be going up to the upper right corner and clicking on that "Donate" button.

Already done, the fund must be needing money.

Sorry to hear about your ordeal Glad you are okay and the bike didn't take major damage.


On a positive note though Carl... this time you did remember to put the kick stand down at the gas station. That alone is a good start to the season !

That's what got me wondering, if the kickstand was down, the bike shouldn't start or run, but how could it be down when I turned the corner, cause it was down!

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Easy test, turn the bike on, if the side stand is down the red warning light should be lit along with the side stand graphic on the display. Start the bike, put it in gear with the side stand still down, it should kill.

Yep, that's what I thought, so how did I manage to go down the road with the kickstand down???:think::think:

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Well Carl... We are certainly glad you were not seriously hurt. With that being said..if you can't remember to put your kick stand up, maybe you should think about getting a trike. Huh?? I know for a fact that Marca wouldn't object. If I recall correctly she rather enjoyed her time on the "B2" last year in NY.

Just saying...:cool10:

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A side stand on most any bike will not just fold up.

Every side stand I have looked at uses the over center principal to keep the bike from rolling forward and off the stand.


As the stand is moving back on its way up, it gets lower before it starts to go up.

If the stand is down and you lean into a left turn, when the stand contacts the ground, first it will stop you from leaning any farther, then as it starts to move back and drops lower it will push the bike very hard toward the upright position. Unless you have both lightening reflexes and the safe space to switch from a left turn back to a right turn, you are going over on the right side of the bike.


BUT, and there always seems to be one, all of the damage appears to be on the left side. If this was because of the side stand being down, the bike would have gone over on the right side.


I watched a Harley do this in an intersection right in front of me once. It was spectacular.

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A side stand on most any bike will not just fold up.

Every side stand I have looked at uses the over center principal to keep the bike from rolling forward and off the stand.


As the stand is moving back on its way up, it gets lower before it starts to go up.

If the stand is down and you lean into a left turn, when the stand contacts the ground, first it will stop you from leaning any farther, then as it starts to move back and drops lower it will push the bike very hard toward the upright position. Unless you have both lightening reflexes and the safe space to switch from a left turn back to a right turn, you are going over on the right side of the bike.


BUT, and there always seems to be one, all of the damage appears to be on the left side. If this was because of the side stand being down, the bike would have gone over on the right side.


I watched a Harley do this in an intersection right in front of me once. It was spectacular.

Some good thoughts. Now as I recall, in the turn and under light throttle, the rear wheel felt like it was going to the right, then the bike straightened up, felt like it was on ice and then slid out from under me coming down on it's left side. I was in a left turn, not too sharp, lots of room, good clean coarser pavement, no oil or residue of any kind.

Can this be developed further?

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Well, you already said the kickstand sustained damage due to the crash.


continuing from there...


When kickstand hit, it picked the rear wheel up first, continued thru its apex then picked up the front wheel... Due to you quick thinking, to steer right, into the slide, you would have naturally balanced your weight away from the direction of the slide...(otherwise a face plant would have been imminent)...


Sounds like that could have been even UGLIER in a high speed left turn...... You got lucky! Any crash you can walk away from...LOL


Does remind me though. My brother in laws Harley, doesn't seem to have a problem running with the kickstand down also.


Thanks for sharing...


Everyone of us can learn from this...

Edited by CaptainJoe
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I watched a Harley do this in an intersection right in front of me once. It was spectacular.


Mine will not run in gear with the stand down, and Ive seen spectacular Venture accidents too. Probably around 20 . Mostly rider error.

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