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Tomorrow Is The day


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I have been running around singing Little Orphan Annie's song all day. It has been six months since I fell and injured myself. Since then I have been in a wheel chair, on a walker then crutches then a cane. All the while the Venture has been patiently waiting, na actually it has been sitting there nagging me without end. Finally today I aired up the tires and started her up. She coughed right to life with two cranks of the key, sputtered a little then smoothed out. Tomorrows weather forecast is for warm temperatures and sunny skies. So tomorrow will be my first ride in six months. I feel like a newbie about to get his first bike.



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Please be careful out there, my brother dropped his BMW and broke something in his knee last summer. The day after the Dr. told him he could ride again he took his Suzuki 500 out and crashed that very hard and is still in rehab.


Please enjoy and have fun but be careful.... and make sure you tell us about the ride after.




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Tomorrows weather forecast is for warm temperatures and sunny skies. So tomorrow will be my first ride in six months. I feel like a newbie about to get his first bike.






Hey Mike, we just have to live in the same neck o' the woods, because I am taking my RSMTD out today too...because I live...South of MikeWa...:rotf:




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Here is how it went. Getting on and off felt like someone was poking a hot branding iron through my leg. Moving my feet to and from the running board was extremely painful. I was not able to reach the running pegs at all. Those things being said. Physical therapy is supposed to hurt and I had a great ride. It was 60-65 degrees and sunny. It felt great to be back in the saddle. I only put on 50 miles but it was fantastic.



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Okay, south of you reporting now...


MikeWa, I am very happy that you got "back in the sadlle again" today.

Yes, it was a beautiful day in Western Washington. I think this was the first real day of good riding weather this year...but again, I was gone most of January.


I took my RSMTD out this afternoon, and wanted to really open up the engine, now that I had completed the valve adjust, lowered the rear-end of the bike, installed the RS-Max rear diff gears, and a few other things. And...once again I was literally amazed at how this bike runs with those new RS-Max gears in it. It feels like a completely different bike.




When I brought my bike back home, after a 2 hour ride of about 140 miles, I decided to go ahead an re-sync the carbs, since I do have a Carbtune Pro. I only did this 3 times to my bike last year, and after having adjusted the valves, it is wise to re-sync the carbs. They were only slightly out of sync, but now they are adjusted to perfection and the bike runs like a screamin' meamie (sp).


Had one little correction to make to my aux. driving lights...that is now done, and the bike is ready to ride cross country.






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