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Posted (edited)

They are crazy up there ! A good friend mine in Montreal went for his motorcycle license. You must go to motorcycle riding school. That cost him $600. After completing his course (classroom only), he had to take a written exam (DMV or SAAQ as they call it). He passed thus allowing him to take a riding exam in a closed circuit course only ! He passed the riding course, then had to take another exam to ride in a public road, he did that. Then he had to ride with another licensed motorcycle rider (tag along within 50 yards) for 11 months. Once those 11 months were completed he went back to take another exam to ride on the publics roads 'alone'. He passed !! GEEZ !!!!


As for me, I took a 18-hour motorcycle endorsement course on a weekend, paid $180 , passed it and went on Tuesday to get my license at the DMV


He freaked when I told him this !!

Edited by AngryAmish

New York state written exam and learners permit, $65. First road test included. Small service fee to update license on passing road test.

Registration cost is so low I can't remember what it is. $25 a year or so.

Full coverage insurance for a replacement value of $3500 plus liability insurance on my 1980 GS 1100, $125 a year with a $250 deductible.


Your folks situation almost makes living here seem bearable.


He freaked when I told him this !!



I am hoping you can make your friend up north FREAK out some more with this little tidbit of info.


I rode for the first 43 years, more than 1,875,000 miles, and I never had to take a motorcycle class to get my first motorcycle endorsement. I did finally take a class, for the first time, this month, only because I wanted to add an endorsement for Sidecar/Trikes, and the rules and laws have changed a lot from what they were 43 years ago.


Back in the old days :backinmyday:, all we had to do was go to DMV, in Calif., and take the very short written test, and then take a very easy riding test in a parking lot, and if you passed both tests, you got your motorcycle endorsement. That was long ago, and I still remember that the day I took my rididng test in the parking lot, around some silly cones, all of the other riders brought their 250cc bikes, so they could handle the course...while I rode my Norton Commando, and did just fine.


Today, In Washington State, to get a motorcycle endorsement of any kind, you have to take a complete 2 or 3 day class, written tests and riding tests, all conducted by these private-run schools, and if you pass, they give you a small card of completion to take to this states' DOL (dept. of licensing), and then still have to pay DOL a fee to add the endrosements to your license.


I always found it funny that in the first 43 years of riding, no one ever required me to take a class, and yet...I have taught many MSF claasses over the years.:whistling:




Posted (edited)



Back in the old days :backinmyday:, all we had to do was go to DMV, in Calif., and take the very short written test, and then take a very easy riding test in a parking lot, and if you passed both tests, you got your motorcycle endorsement. That was long ago,




Many, many moons ago in TN you could get a MC lic. at 14 (which is what I did and have had it ever since), I guess we took a written test but don't remember but the driving test was to just follow the tester as they gave the driving test to a cage. :rotf: Guess if you were still there when they got back to the site you passed.:)


Times sure have changed.:yikes:

Edited by meach

Paid $5.00 to get a motorcycle endorsement. bought my first bike and learned to ride it in the parking lot of the dealer. Long time ago now. 34 years with only one accident involving RR tracks. I was distracted by a car coming at me from the side.


The first time I got my MC endorsment was here in Nebraska. Parked the bike on the street in front of the DMV. Went in and took the written test and passed. He told me to pull the bike around back and pull up under the window. He said "Stop under this window. When I wave at you drive to each corner of the lot and stop. When you've done each corner pulled back to this window and watch for me." He waved, I stopped at the four corners and pulled back up. He motioned for me to come inside. Passed! cost $5.00 for the MC stamp.


It was soooooo hard. :rotf:


I took my "BIG BIKE" that day. My Honda 305 Dream.


I learned on a cousins 60cc mini enduro. Took my test on a 250 39 years ago. Probably cost 5 dollars. My cousin was an officer in Alaska and was murdered 4 days ago at the scene of a domestic disturbance. We only had the 60 cc and a bicycle between us. Since I was the biggest I would ride the mini enduro and he would grab my shoulder and off down the road we would go.


Are we alike or what? I took my test in Omaha by Peony Park. Road around the parking lot, stopped at designated locations, pulled back to the office and got my

endorsement. Can't remember the cost. Took it on my big bike also. My Honda 305 CL77 Scrambler. Date was May of 1963 0r 1964.





[QUOsTE=Snaggletooth;750560]The first time I got my MC endorsment was here in Nebraska. Parked the bike on the street in front of the DMV. Went in and took the written test and passed. He told me to pull the bike around back and pull up under the window. He said "Stop under this window. When I wave at you drive to each corner of the lot and stop. When you've done each corner pulled back to this window and watch for me." He waved, I stopped at the four corners and pulled back up. He motioned for me to come inside. Passed! cost $5.00 for the MC stamp.


It was soooooo hard. :rotf:


I took my "BIG BIKE" that day. My Honda 305 Dream.


For many years, Oklahoma just asked if you wanted one when you got a cage license. I guess it finally dawned on them they were passing up a lot of money. Aw, the good old days will never be back.



I learned on a cousins 60cc mini enduro. Took my test on a 250 39 years ago. Probably cost 5 dollars. My cousin was an officer in Alaska and was murdered 4 days ago at the scene of a domestic disturbance. We only had the 60 cc and a bicycle between us. Since I was the biggest I would ride the mini enduro and he would grab my shoulder and off down the road we would go.


Your cousin Thomas Madole? Sorry to hear about him. We have had 2 of our own go down here in the last 2 weeks one in Quebec at a domestic & a female officer in Ont.


Hero's in life! Not death.


As I mentioned in another thread on this subject, Quebec has always been an expensive place to do just about anything. They like to protect the consumer no matter how much it costs him or how badly they have to screw him. Nice place to visit but I sure wouldn't want to live there!




In WI you have the option of a straight up DMV test or a pass on a motorcycle rider course and no test. Courses were cheap at the community college and loads of fun. It was a no brainer to go with the training.

Your cousin Thomas Madole? Sorry to hear about him. We have had 2 of our own go down here in the last 2 weeks one in Quebec at a domestic & a female officer in Ont.


Hero's in life! Not death.

Yes that's him. Because he was in Alaska I hadn't seen him for several years. Been thinking about him a lot this week. We weren't first cousins but were fairly close to the same age in a town of 200. We did a lot together for a couple of years.

For many years, Oklahoma just asked if you wanted one when you got a cage license. I guess it finally dawned on them they were passing up a lot of money. Aw, the good old days will never be back.




Yep. We could get a license at 14 for anything that was 125 cc or less then at 16 with a regular driving licensecould drive any motorcycle without any tests or endorsements. I grew up on a dirt bike so never took the mc test then years later when the state decided to put endorcement's on licenses they just asked if I had a motorcycle at renewal time. Had the endorcement ever since. Never have taken the mc test, might not pass either......:rasberry:


Are we alike or what? I took my test in Omaha by Peony Park. Road around the parking lot, stopped at designated locations, pulled back to the office and got my

endorsement. Can't remember the cost. Took it on my big bike also. My Honda 305 CL77 Scrambler. Date was May of 1963 0r 1964.





More than likely we have crossed paths at some point. I worked at Big Bear Equipment for a few years. (If you were jamming any MF stuff)


At least you could ride a scrambler in the wind. That Dream was a nightmare with a heavy side wind. Wore off my chicken strips going in a straight line with a cross wind. :rotf:


Ahh, Peony Park. Where Nebraska met the beach.

all of the other riders brought their 250cc bikes, so they could handle the course...while I rode my Norton Commando, and did just fine.





Hey Miles I did my test 43 years ago also in the parking lot of the DMV on a Norton Commando. In Provo Ut.


Ut had a brand new license law,a simple written test,then ride around some cones.The only scary part was when the officer administering the test told me to go to the other end of the lot accelerate in 1st gear as hard as I could then stop at a point he was standing behind. I did it but he was a little wide eyed since the front tire was right at his foot:rotf::whistling:

I learned on a cousins 60cc mini enduro. Took my test on a 250 39 years ago. Probably cost 5 dollars. My cousin was an officer in Alaska and was murdered 4 days ago at the scene of a domestic disturbance. We only had the 60 cc and a bicycle between us. Since I was the biggest I would ride the mini enduro and he would grab my shoulder and off down the road we would go.



I wanted to commit on this thread but not let this go either. I myself was going to be a police officer at one time, I had a job offering in a city called Inkster in Michigan. ( not a good town at all). I had a couple friends that were killed in the line of duty there back in the 80's at a hotel for trying to pick up a lady for writing bad checks at a Danny's food store. When this happened my wife spent some time with me talking me out of the trade. These people have a tuff job and need room to do there work. RIP guys.


As for the expense of riding , I think the classes are great and should be mandatory for everyone thats going to be on the road with a motorcycle. As far as cost you Canucks should start a protest because the cost to ride is BS.


I got mine in Alaska when I was 17. They had just started requiring it and I was one of the first people to get one in Anchorage. It was the first time for the examiner I had. They had a course you had to ride. At one point the guy said he would have an imaginary dog run out and he would tell from which side. I drove around the oval twice and then he yelled "dog from the right" and I thought he said "swerve right" so I swerved right. He was going to fail me for "running over his dog" until I told him I missed his dog because I went behind the dog. He was laughing so hard he just signed the papers and sent me in to get my license.


I am saddened to hear of the loss of your cousin. He had to be an extremely special and great person to have been an Alaska State Trooper. Those men and women are a breed apart. My prayers are with his family and fellow State Troopers.



Ride Happy, Ride Safe

Hey Miles I did my test 43 years ago also in the parking lot of the DMV on a Norton Commando. In Provo Ut.



Paul, that is a very odd coincidence that both of us took our riding tests 43 years ago, and both on a Norton Commando. And...here we are today:cool10:




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