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doc visit some good news


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i can now put full weight on my leg to strengthen my leg and hip to support myself thats the good news the bad is doc says my leg wont heal properly if i dont get physical therapy now the real baadd news i told her (Doc) not no but he77 no not at 680.00 for each visit and thats with a 20 % discount if i pay cash before the session starts not what i was told in Feburary which was 50.00 and they bill me not anymore so now im doing self therapy which is not correct or good so im told my doc said my leg will not heal and i will not be able to bend my leg back and walk correctly this means i will not be able to work the shifter on the 1st gen so now im at that point i hope to prove the doc wrong as i will not be doing PT due to the outrages prices for 2 hrs a day 2 days a week i think i need to become a physical therapist they make more than doctors and lawyers with less hours anyway i may have one problem if the doc is correct i will have to sell the 1st gen because i will not be able to work the shifter and will have to be without untill i can get a new to me 2nd gen well thats the new update for now keeping my head up either way i will get back on the hourse and ride again so send the prayers and vibes and whatever else like a working running RSV :whistling: can a person dream :confused24: yall ride safe i will be back in the saddle one day sooner or later

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Another option is to hit one session of therapy to learn what the proper exercises are. Then go nutz at home.


The big difference is that you will stop bending it when it hurts, the therapist will go a little farther than that. But they know how much farther to go without damaging anything.


Sounds good so far, I wish you all the luck in whatever comes your way.:fingers-crossed-emo

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Have you tried the YMCA.Our YMCA has excellent trainers that will steer you in the right direction.A lot of PT patients here use the Y.I go to the Y almost every morning and they have been a great help to me.I don't know if you have a Y there.I pay $19 a month and it is well worth it.

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Good luck with DIY therapy - you can do it yourself and attain great results, just need a little guidance. (that's where the internet might come in handy) :thumbsup:


And better luck with your priorities - if your only goal is to be able to shift the gears on a bike, I'm thinking you need more that physical therapy :think:


don't mean to ruffle feathers but - - - :doh:

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Paul, it is great that you have improved to the point of being able to put weight on the leg, but...


I think that both Jeff (flyinfool) and 1rooster have great ideas for you. I did the same thing when it came time to rehab my right hand. I knew as much, or more, than the PT they sent me to. I went to her, found what she was intending to do with my right hand, then did my own course of PT at home, every day, every week, every month, for a couple years. It is worth the small cost for one or two visits...pick her brain, ask what she thinks you will do in a month, or 3 months, and then take those lessons HOME, and do not give up. Keep working at it.


As for 1 rooster's idea, that is very smart. That is one of the reasons why the YMCA is there. If you have one anywhere in your area, go there, seek help, and keep at it. The most important thing with any PT is to continue doing the work. Set goals for yourself, meet those goals, then exceed those goals.


"WE" believe in you, now you need to beleive you can do this.:080402gudl_prv:



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yes some great advice here why didnt i think of any of that we do have a Y but its about 50 miles from me as hurricain Katrina took out alot here on the coast and still alot has not been rebuilt yet i will check youtube i still have pain pills and muscle relaxers i can take when i start pushing past the start of pain but not much more right now i push it to the pain thresh hold and release and i know i need to go just a little farther than that as the old saying goes no pain no gain thank you all for yor support i will be back on the bike soon and hope to see each and every one of yall again thank you

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