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OK folks, I got the Guardian Bells on Monday and have been sitting here in my hotel room addressing the packages and getting them ready to mail. They will go out first thing tomorrow morning. Sorry it took me a couple days longer than I expected.


I still have extras should any of the rest of you want them. Just check the VentureRider Merchandise forum for ordering info.


Well I have good news and I have bad news.


The good news is that all your bells were indeed shipped a few minutes ago so hopefully they will be in your hands soon.


The bad news is just for our International members. Unfortunately shipping has gone WAY up since the last time I shipped bells. If you have ordered then you are fine, I am not asking for nor will I accept any extra money from you. If you didn't get in on this shipment though, unfortunately the price is going up a decent bit if you are in Canada.


Shipping the bells to our USA members cost about $2.25 on average. Shipping to Canada cost me $7.35 on average. I was charging a dollar extra for our Canadian members and that almost covered it the last time I did this. I didn't realize how much it had gone up.


So, I am having to change the pricing for the bells for our Canadian members and I am sorry that is the case. Bells, including shipping to Canada, will now cost $19.00 each as opposed to the old price of $15.00. Actually I'm going to take another look at it though. These prices are actually for one bell. I can probably reduce it a bit for two or more.


Don, I have received my order of 15 bells, and I thank you very much. I opened the package at the small local Post Office, because one of the long time workers there rides a bike. I wanted to show him what they were. He had only recently heard about Ride Bells.


I have to say, these Ride Bells look...GREAT. As in...WOW.


I have been using Ride Bells for 40 + years now, and these are by far the best looking ride bells I have ever seen.


Unfortunetly for me...I cannot put on of these on my own bikes, because...the rule is...the law is...that a Ride Bell must be given to you by a friend or family member, or...heck...even a stranger, BUT...you cannot buy your own Ride Bell.


I did not make that up...it is the rule.


So, the lucky folks that do actually attend the Great Pacific Northwest Meet & Eat on April 27th will each receive their own VR Ride Bell, as a gift from me.


Well done, Don, these are really beautiful !!!!!!!:cool10:





Thank you Miles. I'm glad you like them. When I first had them made a few years ago, the cost of having the custom mold made and etc. was fairly expensive. I didn't know if it was worth it or not but I'm glad now that I did it.


Use it, Don gave it to you. You just paid for shipping.

Rules are just guidelines for creative people. Don't be constrained by others delusions of reality.




Don, thank you so much.

I'm eagerly waiting for my three bells now and of course knowing how much it is, pay pal is ready.




When we picked up my "89VR in Arkansas last year the owners had a bell on it. they made a point of saying WE GIVE THIS BELL to you. So I ordered my bell here and I told my wife the other day I have a Bell that I AM GIVING HER, since she rides with me. So I covered myself so I can put my bell on. I like this rule. Can't wait to see mine then.

When we picked up my "89VR in Arkansas last year the owners had a bell on it. they made a point of saying WE GIVE THIS BELL to you. So I ordered my bell here and I told my wife the other day I have a Bell that I AM GIVING HER, since she rides with me. So I covered myself so I can put my bell on. I like this rule. Can't wait to see mine then.



Gary, I think you mean to say..."so I can put HER bell on." :rotf:





:think: so I also can tell my wife to open the package and then she can

give me the BELL !!:happy65:that otta do it. the bell is from my Wife and Don :rotf:


Also, where do most folks install these bells? I know under the bike

but what is the best place that you guys are placing them ?


Can you have more then one bell under there :think:



Gary, I think you mean to say..."so I can put HER bell on." :rotf:




Got my bell the other day and they are beautiful. I had my WIFE open the package for HER bell..... She loved it.

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