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Hope he comes out of it without any after effects.

I had a friend wrap his ultralight plane around the field windsock a couple of weeks ago on takeoff from somewhere down in AZ, and they had to life flight him to Phoenix. Stayed in a coma for 7 days. He woke up enough to have him transported back home to Sacramento Kaiser where he stayed for another 7 days. I visited him when he first got here. They had him trachea'd and plumbed so he couldn't talk, and he didn't look good. Anyway he's now down in Vallejo Ca for rehab. He'll live, but we're still not sure how much of Bill is still in there??? And, yes he was wearing a helmet.


This is sad, and I think we all wish him the very best.


I am an adament user of the ICE device : http://www.aerostich.com/icedevice.html


These are very small, are easy to attach to a jacket zipper, or anywhere else.

The package you receive has 12 forms that can be filled out...12 copies of the same form. And there are 5 of the very tiny capsules that the form is placed in. That means, one order of these will satisfy at least 5 riders if you want to share them with others.


I keep one of the ICE devices on the outside of my jacket, and one ICE device inside a pocket.


A ICE on a phone is good, but what if the phone is damaged.


I hope that he comes out of this well.




for a fully and speedy recovery. Always hate to hear about a rider down...only met Art at the Big Bend trip a couple of years ago...he seems to be a stand up guy. Fingers crossed for the recovery.


I hate hearing of this to any of us, but Art is a very active member of our Houston group. He is a great person to be around, and an accomplished rider. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Owen, please keep us updated as you can, and Art....were pulling for you brother!


Hello folks, I'm doing well. Thanks for your concern. Here is the post I put on the Stromtrooper site. I was riding my Suzuki DL/1000. Which the insurance company told me today is a loss.


I am humbled and truly blessed by the generous number of both public and private posts wishing me well. I sincerely apologize to RoosterMan for putting him through the frustration of trying to assist with virtually no information. I thank him for the tenacity in seeing this situation through and in providing assistance, however frustrating, to the best of his ability. For this I will always be truly grateful. Thank you RoosterMan.


As you know I am now at home recovering from my injuries. The worst of which was the head injury where I suffered a brain bleed which is defined worse than a concussion. If I get up or move too quickly I suffer from a loss of equilibrium. My memory has returned. The doctors say it may be as long as several months before I can return to riding. My other injuries are minor, a cracked rib, a broken rib, two bruises and contusions on my back both elbows bruised a bruise to the inside of my right knee a bruise to the right side of my right foot, a bruise across the bridge of my nose from eyeglasses. There is no doubt wearing full gear saved my "bacon". I read in some of the previous posts there was a question as to my helmet. I was wearing an HJC carbon fiber $500 helmet. The helmet had deep scratches on the right side toward rear and the back of the helmet the carbon fiber was fractured about the diameter of a golf ball.


To wreck, to wreck on the "sisters" was embarrassing, to say the least. I have ridden these roads many times. I have led many group rides on these roads as well. Something had attracted my attention away from riding and when I looked back I was well within the tightening turn and quickly running out of road. I pushed the bike over hard but it was too late and rode it into the guardrails. This is where my memory leaves me I only remember scant pieces of information from here on. I do recall the utter frustration in trying to recall my wife's place of employment and phone number so I could talk to her before she heard any news of my accident from the authorities. I believe the team here on this form has done the admiral job of discussing the importance of having ICE information accessible and readily available for the authorities, and at minimum to save your fellow riders from such an unfortunate situation.


Glad to hear from you. Don't push things. Take it easy and heal. Glad it wasn't any worse. Been there with the brain bleeds. Will do crazy things to you but I was already this way......:whistling: That getting dizzy can return for a while at times. Be carefull. I bugged me for a few months. Just take it easy for a while.


Art, great to see you on the site. Hope you heal fast, so just take it easy. Will be good to see you recovered and enjoying the road again.


I am an adament user of the ICE device : http://www.aerostich.com/icedevice.html


These are very small, are easy to attach to a jacket zipper, or anywhere else.

The package you receive has 12 forms that can be filled out...12 copies of the same form. And there are 5 of the very tiny capsules that the form is placed in. That means, one order of these will satisfy at least 5 riders if you want to share them with others.


I keep one of the ICE devices on the outside of my jacket, and one ICE device inside a pocket.


A ICE on a phone is good, but what if the phone is damaged.


I hope that he comes out of this well.




Art, glad to hear you are doing better. Heal quickly.


Miles, thank for posting the info on the ICE device. Just ordered a set. I found them a bit cheaper at the Ice Device web site.




Ordered extras for a few of my riding buddies.



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