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fighting kidney stones


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well I been in hospitial last week. had a 8 mm size kindey stone in my left kidney.

they went in and pulled some of it out . ouch ouch ouch. placed a stent in side lots of medication. some of the good kind. my back is still killing me? even with the pain meds?

I have an operation on the 21st to remove the stent break up more of the stone or stones?. then another stent put back in.

this is not fun. I am waiting on good weather to have my motorcycle brought to me. and now I have a set back. does it ever end?

good news is my left knee replacement is doing good. I lost some weight. not much but 14 pounds is a start.

now to heal up the kidney and ride.:080402gudl_prv:

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I feel your pain. I ended up in the emergency room a few weekends ago with pain and blood in my urine. After testing, the Doc told me there was no bacteria in my urine, so I must be passing a stone. They did a cat scan and found nothing, so I evidently (and thankfully) had already passed it. They sent me home with antibiotics and I was fine within a couple of days.

This was the third time in about 6 years I have had a urinary tract problem of one kind or another.

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My thoughts are with you for the rest of your kidney stone affair. People have told me that a kidney stone attack is the closet thing for men that compares to childbirth for women. While I have had two attacks and know how painful they are, I can't vouch for the claim that they are like childbirth. Anyway, good luck!

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