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Thanks for the good info! :thumbsup2:


We have a meet and eat on the VR.org calendar for April 6th at 2:30 north of OKC. We welcome you and ANY other riders to join in on the fun. Would be a great opportunity to ride route 66 from Tulsa to OKC/Edmond area and jog north to Mulhall. Just register at the calendar and hope to see you there!!!:clap2:


Ride Safe,



Hey James, does the club in OKC still do the candy ass run first part of year? I think sometime in Jan. East side of the state has some nice riding if I remember right, I lived in the west past Lawton. Dirt and tumble weeds.


I am not sure about the candy a$$ run. If they still do it, I have not seen any info in the last few years. You are right, the east side of the state from OKC east has great day trips and tons of over-nighter places to stay. While the southeast corner of the state gets lots of attention for the twisties and beautiful mountains and scenery, there is a very diverse landscape from one side to the other. All a matter of preference. I have met guys from PA that take their yearly trip to Wyanoka OK and the sand dunes west of OKC to ride quads and dirt bikes every year for two weeks.

We are very fortunate to be just west of Tulsa and can pick and choose which day trip/terrain we feel like. :clap2:

Oklahoma has a bad rap of being tumbleweeds, dust and plowed fields but really has very little of that in the west and a huge opportunity to ride beautiful scenery, but SHHHHHH, we don't want outsider types in this red fly-over state.....:no-no-no:


Of Course, our family here at VR is always welcome!!!

Ride Safe,



Was stationed in Altus. Alot of years riding out that way. Mostly Witcha Falls Tx, Eltra Amarillo (by morning) OKC Lawton.Summers were really hot. WE rode with the Altus Road Riders, now called tornado alley road riders I guess, or thats sort of what it became. I can see up where your at you do get a good choice of what to go run. Enjoy and I hope you all have a great meeting.

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