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I called its quits


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I see you have a hobby / pastime of enjoyment Frank......(Restoring old cars)

I know someone else here on the site who is restoring one now..

I wish you the best in your new adventure..

I was well on my way to retirement last June, but due to an offer of great value to me, Im back working again for a little while longer...


It wont be to much longer and Ill be there too.

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I retired at Christmas of last year (2 months ago) and I have been so busy that I have lost 12 lbs.!! I'm working harder now than when I was employed.


This retirement stuff isn't all it is cracked up to be. My Other Half has a "honey do" list that keeps me busy from dawn to dusk. She says it "keeps me out of trouble". Something about idle hands and the devil. I don't know what she is talking about. :whistling:




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Welcome to the ranks of the retired... I know it will be tough, but trust me, there is life after law enforcement..... You just need to find enough to keep you active, both physically and mentally. And make those plans for coming back to the PIP this year.


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Thanks for all the kind words folks, I plan on getting to as many events as I can, Trouble is the wife still works and there is so many things to do and so little summer.



Heck, you would have a bit more summer if you didn't live 40 miles north of the tree line....... :rotfl::rotfl:



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I've been retired for the last 6 years AND LOVE IT! I'm restoring a car too. plus the time I spend with members here. Believe it when they say you'll suddenly wonder how you ever got anything done before now

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Guest scarylarry

I can retire in 3 yrs and I don't know if I could handle it..Nothing to do would put me in frenzy..


I'm ADD"D" real bad..

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Congrats Frank! Finally eh.....thanks for your service and enjoy the well deserved get away from it all. Remember though, once you start to collect old age they claw back some of that hard earned pension! Best to keep the boss workin!!

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Congratulations! May you find lots of exciting things to fill your spare time with. Phil retires this summer and told our kids when he gets bored he was just going to pester me in the office (I work from home). The kids gave me a deadbolt lock to install on my office door for Xmas this year!


Enjoy being able to take time and smell the roses!

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