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I would think something like the venturedads hitch would be fine on the back

of the bike with a side car. some others will chime in soon though.


Is it a side car or a trike? Most pics I've seen had trailers for side cars either hooked up to the bike in the normal manner but most were hooked up with the trailer tracking behind the bike & sidecar centered. A trailer hooked to a sidecar rig behind the bike itself makes for an even wider unit thus the reason for centering them. Trikes always are centered.

I think even if the CSC outfit was make like Hannigan's Tri-Car it would still be centered. Most likely a custom built hitch assembly would be required in either case.:080402gudl_prv:


Is it a side car or a trike? Most pics I've seen had trailers for side cars either hooked up to the bike in the normal manner but most were hooked up with the trailer tracking behind the bike & sidecar centered. A trailer hooked to a sidecar rig behind the bike itself makes for an even wider unit thus the reason for centering them. Trikes always are centered.

I think even if the CSC outfit was make like Hannigan's Tri-Car it would still be centered. Most likely a custom built hitch assembly would be required in either case.:080402gudl_prv:



Like these here Larry. http://www.californiasidecar.com/


Made in different brand bike models. They call them California Sidecar Trikes. Not really a side car at all though. :confused24:



Well that takes care of that :rolleyes: not a side car . To me that's a trike. :detective:


Yes, what I thought to Cougar. I was surprised when a customer ask me if I could build them a Flag Hitch Mount for their * California Side Car Trike*. I started looking them up with only little information to go on while I am waiting for him to get e-mail back to me on the bike model and year and so forth and maybe a picture.



Fuzzy :thumbsup2:


Like Hannigan, CSC started life building side cars and expanded into trailers and trikes also.


They have some nice looking designs. I have never rode a CSC, but, would like to some day, as a comparison to our Hannigan RSV.


OK Fuzzy those would definitely be classified as trikes. As Ragtop says CSC started out with sidecars and eventually got into the triking business, which is probably over 90% of their business today. The Hannigan Tri-Car is a whole different animal. Here's a link for pics of what they looked like- http://www.google.com/search?q=Hannigan's+Tri-Car&hl=en&rlz=1T4GGNI_enUS464US464&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=S54pUYTtJ5SE0QHjxoGoDQ&ved=0CDYQsAQ&biw=1120&bih=505

I've seen only two of them, one on the road at a trikers rally in 07 and the other in Hannigan's showroom.


OK Fuzzy those would definitely be classified as trikes. As Ragtop says CSC started out with sidecars and eventually got into the triking business, which is probably over 90% of their business today. The Hannigan Tri-Car is a whole different animal. Here's a link for pics of what they looked like- http://www.google.com/search?q=Hannigan's+Tri-Car&hl=en&rlz=1T4GGNI_enUS464US464&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=S54pUYTtJ5SE0QHjxoGoDQ&ved=0CDYQsAQ&biw=1120&bih=505

I've seen only two of them, one on the road at a trikers rally in 07 and the other in Hannigan's showroom.



Thanks Larry, I will check the CSC in the Google photo area. :thumbsup2:


Well I checked for more photos and from what I see, the Receivers are the flat ball hitch type ? Still looking for information though. Thanks everyone for your help understanding the Trikes.

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