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'05 Tour Deluxe. Is there an exhaust mod that can be done to this bike?? The reason I ask is it is loud and makes a BAP BAP sound I know it's not the stock sound seems to be more prevalent on the left and when I looked in the pipe It all looks normal no drilled holes etc... Here's a link to hear it once the idle is up it's of course not as prevelant but listen to when it first starts once warmed up and at normal idle that's what it sounds like.



[/ame] Edited by usedcyclesales
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Any mod I've ever seen or heard of would require drilling holes so I would say that they have not been modified. From your description, it sounds like one of two problems.


1. Carbs really need to be synced.


2. There is a leak somewhere. A lot of owners found a problem with the exhaust where there was a pin hole on the bike side of the pipes just behind where they "Y" together to forum one pipe going to the mufflers. This hole allowed them to suck air there which resulted in that popping sound. Could be one side or both.

Any mod I've ever seen or heard of would require drilling holes so I would say that they have not been modified. From your description, it sounds like one of two problems.


1. Carbs really need to be synced.


2. There is a leak somewhere. A lot of owners found a problem with the exhaust where there was a pin hole on the bike side of the pipes just behind where they "Y" together to forum one pipe going to the mufflers. This hole allowed them to suck air there which resulted in that popping sound. Could be one side or both.


This is not a decel pop here and there it's consistent with the engine this is LOUD, I'm gonna have to make a video and post a link it's so hard to describe stuff like this, thanks


I added video listen to the very first part that's what it sounds like warmed up and at normal idle , video would have been to long if i let it warm up and I'm on reserve my luck i'd run out:rotf:


Stick your finger inside the tail pipe and feel around for a metal edge. (Be careful) The pipe leading out the end can be cut off with a Dremel and shifted aside to give a more straight through flow and a "poppier" exhaust. Otherwise it should feel like a solid pipe straight back from the exit all the way around...


Just a thought...

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