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  bongobobny said:
Oh? Were you talking with NY Jerry and PB&J??




Don't you just love guys who volunteer themselves for the cause...he already has a group there that know each other....who better to set up a meet and eat or two and get involved.... and we get to ride with those guys again...We dont get to see them very often. DAITAN...post it and we will come..............:fatsmiley:

  Daitan said:
Well tom, you told me that average age of the group was about 55, :backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday: so I have a couple of advantages right off. One, I am a bit younger/quicker. two, the guns are probably old and by the time they pull'em out of where there hiding them...I'll be gone:hihi::hihi::hihi:




Thats why I mounted that 50 cal on the handlebars..:whistling:


Hey Diatan, don't forget to check the schedule. don't want to step on any other planned events. Oh and the more ice cream stops the better.:essen_018: Thanks for taking this on. Looking forward to meeting you.:thumbsup2:




thank you for your input on that, any other advice...I am happy to receive it. Look forward to riding season:banana::sun: And I'll keep the ice cream stops in mind...




well bongobob, darnit, that's what I do best...it's kinda like playing with your nephews and getting them all riled up, and then saying, oh wow look at the time, gotta run:080402gudl_prv::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:


Did someone mention Trout Run? And Rt. 15? I just drool thinking of the riding in that area. I run from 180 up 15N to 17W to 13N into Ithaca NY then back to Watertown twice a week. On any given Saturday I'm game to meet up. I have been planning on riding in that area of Pa. and it would be great to hook up with "locals". And since I have grown accustomed to getting up between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m. :bang head: I could be darn near as far as Muncy in time to meet for a day ride.

Motorcycles, hot dogs, ice cream and riding. :thumbsup:


John T,


That was me, I was talking to another guy who lives in sayre, pa. I did last year with some friends. It was a great a ride, and we ended it at "Texas Roadhouse" for dinner in elmira. A great ending for a good ride. I live in Phelps, north of geneva. Right between xt 42 and 43 off the thru way. a block off 96. So very easy, and would love to do that anytime.


i am from the tionesta area and a nice ride we do here is rt 666 i know it is the road to hell but we still ride it at least once a yr. there is a biker blessing the first sunday in may on german hill just out of tionesta and there is usually a good turn out. we wleave from there and take rt 666 up through the national forest. nice country. also been to watkins glenn several times nice area. let me know if you want to try rt 666 and i would be gald to hook up for the ride.:322:


Ben got in touch with us and I let him him know we're glad to have him on board. Geez, that guys got so much energy makes me feel like a slacker. But the more the merrier and you PA. guys are welcome to join us as well.


As I told Ben, we've had at least one ride a year here. Steamer and Robin did last years but maybe a spring and fall ride would be good even though i don't want to interfere with Bongo's fall ride. But I hope that this years we'll all be able to get back together again and get some good riding and fun times back in.


So keep an eye to the calendar I was just telling Tom and Jerry (ha ha tom and jerry) That a ride the second week of May would be a possible first ride here. Depending on the weather of course. But Ben anything you want to plan let us know we'll be there.


daitan, google maps says 210 miles about 3 1/2 hrs away. rte 666 is just a short ride compared to coming from elmira. we do it in an afternoon. never checked the milage. nice back country road thru the forest. would be more then glad to show you around if you end up in my area. i am not a member yet. i know what are you waiting for:confused07: so dont know if you reach me thru my profile or not. take a look see and let me know on this thread.


Back in the 70's travelling between Buffalo and Philadelphia I would sometimes take 666, a nice shortcut from Rt15 to Rt6 but not the smoothest. I stopped taking it when part of it got washed away...


Ya it sill isnt the smoothest ride and pay attention to the corners they sneak up quick. Agood ride for me is taking RT6 west stop at my parents and go to Mt.Jewett Pa to Kinzua Bridge the old trussel that was wiped out about 10 years ago now they made it into a sky walk then to Kinzua Dam


Take a ride to the dam in the spring when the mountain laural is in bloom it lines the road on both sides all you can see and smell for a few miles


while you are in this area, another nice ride when mountain laural is in blossum is the road from ridgeway to sigel. you can stop at farmers inn for ice cream. nice ride. let me know when i will try to make the ride also.


Im gonna be in the Coudersport Wellsboro, area, at least twice this summer. It's my favorite getaway for camping and chillin'. Hope we can hook up.:cool10:


If you know coudersport you might know port allegany then I go there about every other month hoping this year make a few more trips on the bike reason I bought the bigger one I'll have to let everyone know when I will be heading that way this year. I'll have to map out all the ice cream stops on the way


I'll keep an eye on this post as the weather improves. Spring is just around the corner.


We live in the the SE corner of PA less than 5 miles from the MD border.


I'll take the milkshake.

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