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ok so i'm rebuilding my CLASS and i got to the dessicant can i accidently exploded the dissicant across the shop :( though even if i hadent the crystals were so saturated most of them have broken down into a powder after years of neglect, but i cant find any of the good quality stuff around town. any of you know a good online retailer to get some?


We have bought some at a craft store called Michaels for drying flowers. Fairly pricey for the little bit you would need though. Some cat litter is 100% desiccant also. Its been said there is desiccant packed in every shipping crate that has a motorcycle in it which gets thrown away when the bike gets put together. Could be free for the asking if you are in with any dealers. Just so its silica based not clay based and it should work. Don't know if these help but I tried.:confused24::thumbsup2::D


I did a quick search and found this..

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Silica-Gel-Desiccants-2-1-Inches/dp/B003DKQB02/ref=pd_cp_hi_1/185-2871617-1161311]Amazon.com: Silica Gel Desiccants 2-1/4 x 1 1/2 Inches - 25 Silica Gel Packets of 10 Grams Each by Dry-Packs: Home & Kitchen@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41LtvQ%2BSMtL.@@AMEPARAM@@41LtvQ%2BSMtL[/ame]


I was able to gather some from new electronic equipment also as it is included in the shipping box.


Try some gun shops as they might sell it also or have some to get rid of as it might be included in gun boxes also. Just a thought.


Good luck..


Rick F


Some truck shops or truck parts suppliers for transport trucks may still have replacement desiccant cartridges for the old Bendix AD-2 air dryer used to remove moisture from the truck air brake systems. Open up one of these cartridges and you should have enough to do a few dozen of our little air dryers.

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