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I just received an email from a Global Sourcing Agency for a chinese company starting to make touring bikes. Here are the pics they included with their notice.


http://p.globalsources.com/IMAGES/PDT/SMALL/841/S1053389841.jpg http://p.globalsources.com/IMAGES/PDT/SMALL/160/S1053382160.jpg http://p.globalsources.com/IMAGES/PDT/SMALL/372/S1053380372.jpg


I wonder if they have a good supply of tape decks???? :)

Posted (edited)

Condor, I have to wonder...does this indicate that Yamaha will STOP making the Venture, and will consign or sell the rights to a Chinese company?


Or...I wonder if these Chinese models of the Venture will have Fuel Injection and ABS brakes?????????????


I went to the website for these, which is here:




And from what I can read of the specs on their bike, which is called...the Royal Star Venture...the bike is an exact match, and exact duplicate of the current Yamaha model. No fuel injection, no ABS brakes.


Which ten brings me back to my original thought...that Yamaha is stopping the manufacture of the Royal Star Venture, and either consigning it or selling the rights to it, to a Chinese company.


Urrrrgggggg !!!!!!


And finally a third and last thought...maybe this is simply an import company, that Yamaha is licensing to sell their product in China.

Edited by Miles
Condor, I have to wonder...does this indicate that Yamaha will STOP making the Venture, and will consign or sell the rights to a Chinese company?


Or...I wonder if these Chinese models of the Venture will have Fuel Injection and ABS brakes?????????????


I went to the website for these, which is here:




And from what I can read of the specs on their bike, which is called...the Royal Star Venture...the bike is an exact match, and exact duplicate of the current Yamaha model. No fuel injection, no ABS brakes.


Which ten brings me back to my original thought...that Yamaha is stopping the manufacture of the Royal Star Venture, and either consigning it or selling the rights to it, to a Chinese company.


Urrrrgggggg !!!!!!


And finally a third and last thought...maybe this is simply an import company, that Yamaha is licensing to sell their product in China.


All good thoughts Miles. I don't have a clue. Just thought the email was interesting. I also wonder if the quality will be the same. So far any MC represented out of China has always been 250cc and under. The plot thickens.... :whistling:


Just my :2cents:

China is a notorious imitation producing country, including patents and royalties. A previous company I worked for bought a Chinese manufacturing plant to duplicate some of our parts mfgd in the US at the plant where I was a design engineer. Their craftsmanship was very poor and they tried to take shortcuts on material, tooling and manufacturing. Mostly we got back High dollar junk we couldn't sell. I left the company before it all got straightened out if it ever did. Our son bought a china manufactured dirt bike a couple of years ago, I thought it would be ok because it was cheap and at that time only 2 years old. It also was a copy of a model made by Honda. It was a piece of crap, ran ok, but again the material they used for bolts and structure was substandard and weak, however Honda parts would fit as replacements. He out grew it before we felt like it was really a waste of money and now it just sits in my shop.

If in fact they are copying the RSV or are consigned to produce it...........my thoughts are to shy away from them completely at least until they are proven by someone else, unless you have

:mo money:




I see that they have a "Spyder" also.



I am very doubtful about this entire thing. There is more to it than meets the eye.


On the other hand, I was meeting with a customer this week, a sign company, and am quoting him for new signage for a Chinese motorcycle company that is getting ready to launch a dealer network in the USA. They are looking for signage for 200 franchises to start. Not sure what size bikes they are selling but I know that the line includes motorcycles, scooters and ATVs.


I know that there have been more and more Chinese bikes on the market but this is the first I've seen of a decent sized dealer network.


------ And from what I can read of the specs on their bike, which is called...the Royal Star Venture...the bike is an exact match, and exact duplicate of the current Yamaha model. No fuel injection, no ABS brakes.

Which ten brings me back to my original thought...that Yamaha is stopping the manufacture of the Royal Star Venture, and either consigning it or selling the rights to it, to a Chinese company.

Urrrrgggggg !!!!!!

And finally a third and last thought...maybe this is simply an import company, that Yamaha is licensing to sell their product in China.

Yes, all very interesting and good questions. Like Freebird, I am skeptical given that there is also the Spyder clone.
I will admit that I have been amazed by how quickly the Kia and Hyundai produced vehicles have become competitive.


OK, I just sent the company a request for FOB Pricing to SF,Ca, minimum order, and time to delivery. Figured what the heck.... I'll either get a response, or get deluged with email from a bunch of chinese companies trying to hawk their wares. We'll see... One thing that may be a problem is I've run into auctions locally where they were selling smaller vespa type chinese motorcycles that we see running around in conjested asian cities. They had a 'caveat emptor' that the bikes couldn't be sold in California. Why?? Don't know. I think I read somewhere it had to do with the tires??... maybe?? Could be C.A.R.B. requirements?? I don't think it could be EPA or they couldn't be sold in other states as well..


I just worked on a chinese Vento 250 Harley look alike and I told the owner to sell it as soon as possible. The quality is not there and you can not hardley get parts for this stuff.

Sometimes the Honda/Yamaha replacement parts will work and sometimes not, you do not know. When I worked at a bike shop the owner would not even think about working on this stuff. I would shy away from these machines from experience. The Honda look alike small gas engines like on water pumps and generators are not to bad as far as reliabily/cost. Just my opinion.


In my shop I won't touch anything that might be safety related on a Chinese knock off. They're so poorly made that I'm worried about picking up liability on the things.


There is also a problem that they seem to change parts without changing the part number. The part you order this year might be different than the same number two years ago.


I do a lot of valve lash jobs on them. Seems the machining is so poor they tighten up to where they actually won't run at 700-1000 miles.


Couple things I noticed on the "spyder" A-its says "Racing 3 Wheel Motorcycle" Is that some kind of joke or what. The other is in the specs its says engine manufacture

Manufacturer: BRP-Rotax

I dunno man the last "quality" thing I got that came from China was a cup of tea.


Well... I received a response in the form of a PDF file which I'll try to attach it, but I think Don will have to open up the PDF cap to get it to go. It's big, almost 7MB. If this is a hoax it's certainly an elaborate one. Sure beats the African slum lord bank account... :) I wouldn't act on this thing unless I had a third party report on the company. After doing a google on the writer I find that she has several listings, and no alarms about any wrong doing.


The body of the email:


the following is our company website :



you can choose the model that you like to take from the attachment

how many pcs do you like to take for each model ?

free shipping by sea to you ,

your shipping information is required to make the perform invoice

do you need invoice /

bank transfer tt to company account or western union wu

which do you prefer ?




mr jiang yang






My son is married to a Chinese girl and lives in southern China. He says the products made in China for Chinese do not have near the quality control that products made for American companies have. They are trying to have a baby and while he was here for Christmas she ordered a lot of baby stuff shipped to our house and made him bring it back with him because she didn't trust the products sold there.

Posted (edited)
My son is married to a Chinese girl and lives in southern China. He says the products made in China for Chinese do not have near the quality control that products made for American companies have. They are trying to have a baby and while he was here for Christmas she ordered a lot of baby stuff shipped to our house and made him bring it back with him because she didn't trust the products sold there.



Are they "trying to have a baby"...here in the USA, or over in China ? Hey, your Son already said that products made in China for the Chinese do not have near the quality control that products made for Americans will have. Given that your Son is American, and his wife is Chinese, does that mean that the baby will be only 50-50 on quality control ?




Okay, seriously, I hope that your new grandchild comes out with all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. I would not wish bad quality control on any baby in the world.:backinmyday:

Edited by Miles
Posted (edited)
My son is married to a Chinese girl and lives in southern China. He says the products made in China for Chinese do not have near the quality control that products made for American companies have..


It is what it is. On their website they use the Yamaha name on a lot of their products. I briefly scanned the .pdf file they sent and saw Ducati, Honda, KTM, and others, as well as many different models of Y. The price posted for the RSVS was around $3600US/FOB San Francisco, and the GW came in at $3700US. But what one has to remember is import duties, set up costs, flooring fees..If it's a big order..., advertising, etc. The email didn't state the minimum unit, but at that price it would have to be a full container.


Here's another thought that passed 'quickly' from ear2ear. Years ago when Harley was on their backs and in deep trouble, congress passed big import duties on the Japanese motorcycle industry. Maybe other products...I donno?? Anyway, this may be a way to get around the penalty fees. By shipping the bikes to a Chinese Co. and let them be a middle man they can circumvent those import fees, and get the prices down and buy the market back. Right now the market is stagnet, and this may be a way to make their products more affordable. With the amount of debt the US has with China I don't think they'd have a leg to stand on if they tried to jack up the tarrifs again....

Edited by Condor

Just watched a special on TV the other night about China and their automotive manufacturing. In China someone buys a new car every 2.5 seconds and the Chinese totally disregards any copyright laws. They were showing various brands of cars sold in China and the Chinese built counterparts, they looked the same (except for their inferior motors). BMW tried to sue them for copyright infringement but lost in the Chinese courts, the courts said they looked nothing alike. (of course) They also showed Chinese made motorcycles, ATV's, trucks and boat motors that looked just like the American, European and Japanese versions. One of the more laughable ones was when they showed a Honda accord next to the Chinese version, the only visible difference was that the badge on the Japanese version was spelled Honda and the Chinese one was spelled Handa. But the Chinese courts claim they look nothing alike. Now they are ready to flood the American market with copycat lookalikes that are as reliable as Yugo's.

Takes me forever to shop anymore, I search and search to buy products NOT made in China which is hard to find.


The extra import fees on Japanese bikes went away a several years ago. Remember when they were making 700cc bikes? That was to get around the fees on bikes 750cc and larger. That was back when 750 ccs was considered a large bike.


Yes, all very interesting and good questions. Like Freebird, I am skeptical given that there is also the Spyder clone.
I will admit that I have been amazed by how quickly the Kia and Hyundai produced vehicles have become competitive.



Kia and its parent company Hyundai are Korean I believe.

The extra import fees on Japanese bikes went away a several years ago. Remember when they were making 700cc bikes? That was to get around the fees on bikes 750cc and larger. That was back when 750 ccs was considered a large bike.


I stand corrected... That's how much I paid attention in the first place...


The good news is that if they sell the knockoffs here or in the US they'll get wacked in the courts so they'll probably try something a bit more clever

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