Barrycuda Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 Barry, that always my go to number, as it is 90 + Pi. 90 + Pi = 90 + 3.14 (as a rounded off # for Pi), which = 93.14. I could take it our several places to: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 4428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273 724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609... It is meant to be funny, not taken too seriously. Given my background in the sciences, it is fun to live a life in Pi. I wasn't taking it all that serious, to be honest. I was just curious as to your number. Now I know pi for you and pie for the rest of us.
friesman Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 miles, that is correct, we will not be going this year. my wife and i would not have any trouble doing 500 + miles a day. right now i can get over 200 miles per tank of fuel and when we do even a day ride we will go through a tank of fuel and onto a second, unless we are riding with friends that don't or can't do that type of ride. all rides are still lots of fun. not sure which island he is on but i know it is one of the lower islands. i havent really done alot of riding my HD on gravel roads but i have rode on gravel roads before in PEI. i have a brother that lives in colorado and he is on a gravel road. we were there this last fall in a car but the roads were better then the roads in Pa. lots of time to plan. i am sure as the time gets closer i will have plenty of questions. thanks for the info about protecting my drive belt. good info. thanks miles. My friend Bud and a couple of his friends did the ride from Swift Current, Saskatchewan to Alaska and they did a daily picture blog. Here is the link, this might give you an idea what its like on the roads. You will be on pavement most of the time in Canada and if your coming up from North Dakota, stop in and say hi! Brian
Miles Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 Miles.... what kind of pi do you like? Blueberry? Apple?... etc . And with all the miles you've ridden.... where is the best place you've found for pi ? Well, my two most favorite kinds of pies are Pumpkin, and Mile High Apple. That is one where the apples in the pie are stacked to about 8 inches high. I also like Pinto Bean pie, which is an Oklahoma version of the Pecan Pie. Almost all pie is good, and that that isn't good, is made good by the addition of ice cream.
playboy Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 My friend Bud and a couple of his friends did the ride from Swift Current, Saskatchewan to Alaska and they did a daily picture blog. Here is the link, this might give you an idea what its like on the roads. You will be on pavement most of the time in Canada and if your coming up from North Dakota, stop in and say hi! Brian I can't believe we had to leave it to some HD's to finally get some pics
Miles Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 I can't believe we had to leave it to some HD's to finally get some pics Well, think about it. Break down on day one...take some pictures. Another bike breaks down on day two, take some more pictures. The third bike breaks down on day three, take more pictures. If they take pictures on each day that a bike breaks down, then they have LOTS of pictures, some for every day of the ride. They also had a network for Ford pickup drivers waiting for them at prearranged locations, so that when the bikes break down, the Ford pickups were within 100 feet of the break down locations. Now, if that is how a group of 3 riders want to tour Alaska, so they can take pictures along the way, then so be it. (all the above was said in jest) But... a very few of us, i.e., Me, do not ride like that. My goal is not to stop and smell oily spots on the road left by broken down HD's. My goal is not to taste the finer micro brew beers from each pub or saloon along the way. My goal, is to get from point A to point B in a timely fashion, meaning...while I "know" it is not an endurance rally competition, I still ride as many miles each day as my bike, my body, and the clock will alow me to ride. I don't stop to take pictures, for the sake of taking pictures. My bikes do NOT break down, because I am that prepared for the ride, and I chose my bikes carefully. There is a very good reason that I would not ride a belt drive bike up to Alaska. I still have boxes and boxes of OLD pictures, taken 30 + years ago, that I have not put into albums, or on the walls. I have 1000's of pictures from the old days. After learning that "I" do not have a need to look at, or review, my pictures from a road trip, I am much less likely to take pictures on trips now. I certainly do not stop in the middle of the day, to watch a rainbow, and take 10 pictures of it. Given that almost all of my bikes have aux. fuel cells on them, that means I have to stop all that much less, so I keep riding, going from point A to point B to Point C, etc. That is what makes my day for "me". We all know that motorcycle riding is, for the most part, and individual thing, wherein we each give and receive our own version of what makes us happy on the bike. Each one of us enjoys our bikes in a slightly different fashion. For some of us, that fashion of enjoyment is way off the wall compared to others. That is one thing that is unique to the IBA riders, in that most other motorcycle riders cannot understand WHY we ride the miles and hours that we do. We are the 0.001% of the motorcycling world, and most other riders just don't get us. For me, that is hard to change. I have been doing this years, and have been a member of the IBA for 29 years. My brain wants to go 1000 miles a day, every day. It is very rare for me to take one of my bikes out for a casual ride locally, as it is not worth it to me to go riding for 50 or 100 miles. So, taking pictures today is something I do, for others. Not for myself. Sometimes Michael Kneebone (prez. of the IBA) wants a picture showing I was in a particular location. Once in awhile I find an odd sight at the end of my riding day, and I take a shot of it, for the halibut. (that Alaskan for hell of it). I would ask you to understand that each motorcycle rider mounts their bikes for different reasons. Call me the oddball of the group, but I know that there are other IBA riders on this forum, that can understand why we do what we do. If pictures are taken, they are for the enjoyment of others, or to prove you were at a specific bonus location. Other than that, we have our own memories of what we have seen, and where we have been. (stepping down from my soapbox)
XV1100SE Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 .....(stepping down from my soapbox) Your post was well said !
dallio Posted February 7, 2013 Author Posted February 7, 2013 thanks for the pictures that helps me understand more of what to expect when i take my trip. $40.00 for sandwiches and a pop, 250-500 for hotel rooms. sounds like i better be ready to re-morgage the house for this trip. still sounds like something i want to try in the future. maybe after i am retired and have time. thanks every one for all the helpful advise.
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