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e-mail hijacked


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Last week, someone hi-jacked my e-mail address also. And, they installed a password, thereby making it impossible for me to access the site again. I had to go to a security company, which cost a fortune, and have them clean it up and start me a new ID name. I lost everything including the address book. Slowly, I'm getting it all back together again, but it definitely is the worse thing that's ever happened to me. And it'll really never be the same again. Good luck with yours. I never kept a physically written address book. Please keep all your addresses written down somewhere in case this happens to you, because it's impossible to remember all of them later. Owen.

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Lots of the hacking going around lately. Generally the addressee get's an email with a link in the text and nothing else. I get a lot of them thru my biz address. Never open, just delete. Another type the hot link. I drag over the link, and if it shows a url other than something the text relates to, it get's round filed also....

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There's another board member here whose email was hacked also. I won't mention his nickname but it would be appropriate of him to say something, as you have.


Unless you or someone else told them what happened, they might still be unaware they've been infected or what to do about it. It really scares me when I get these emails from people I think are smart & cautious enough to prevent this.

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When I get those emails that are from a hacked email account I always make a point to contact the person ASAP. They have no way of knowing that their email is compromised.


When my email was hacked once, the only way I found out was that I have myself as a contact and the spammers sent me an email also. that was my first indication of a problem. In my case the hacker were not so nice, as soon as they were finished sending spam to all of my contacts, they deleted the contents of all folders including sent mail, received mail and even deleted all of my contacts. Fortunately I do back up my contacts. Everyone does back up their computer stuff right. :whistling:


It is the free emails like Yahoo, Hotmail, G mail etc that the spammers attack. They find a real email address and then have a computer try to log into that account, the computer just keeps trying passwords till it gets one that hits. At that point they are into you email account and can then copy all of your contacts to use as new seeds to exploit and also send out their spam from your account, so that the junk mail actually really did come from you. There is nothing you can do to stop this activity. They will continue to use your account till you log in and change the password, blocking them till they have their computer figure out the new password. The more characters in your password, the longer it will take them to hit it.

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I am on several e-mail lists from friends and when they send me an e-mail, it will have many e-mail addresses attached. I have asked them to delete all addresses before they forward and to use BCC so I don't have my address attached to an e-mail with many others. Most have complied, but I have a teacher friend from WV that must be on several e-mail lists and when sends me one, it will have layers of e-mails listed.


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