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Long Winter


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It will be a long winter for me...


Last monday I had an accident driving to my job, and as a consecuence of it I had a broken knee cap, planed a surgery for tomorrow and my SUV totallized by the insurance...


It seems that I'll need to stay immobilized during 6 to 8 weeks after the surgery, but I hope I can still work from home...


Of course, if the company agrees with that.


So, all my projects for redo valves on the bike, and sell the RS 97 has been stopped so hard as the crash...


I'll let you know about my progress.


Carlos Alperin

AKA Calperin


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Ouch that hurts just thinking about it. Glad you're ok otherwise. Hopefully the surgery will fix you all up and in time you'll be back on a bike or just walking on two feet. Let us know how the surgery goes. I'm guessing you'll have a bit of time on your hands.


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Good luck on the surgery and with the heal'n process that goes with it! i just started the strenght'nnnn part of my therapy last week thursday, wish i was back to normal already! what ever normal is? it's a long road, i'm a work-a-holic too! should be able to start work'n on the bike real soon! PRAYERS be with you!:thumbsup2:

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Thanks a lot for all your comments.


Marcarl, In this case I'm more worry for the knee cap than for the truck. Yes it was a trailblazer, and is totallized.


Surgery was completed, and painfull. Yesterday and today where two painfull days, Next 8 weeks for recovery. And it will be critical. Since the number of pieces, if it doesn't heal fine from the first time, the second surgery will be for knee cap removal...


Again, thanks for all the comments....



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