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Hi All,

I have the Repair Pro disk for the Royal Star series.

I no longer need it.

RSTD 97-01

RSTD 05-09

RS Venture 99-10

Royal Star 96-98

Royal Star Boulevard 98-01

RS Tour Classic 96-00


Let me know if anyone wants it. I will mail it to you.



What does it have on it? Is it like a Clymers on disc? Or more like the Yamaha shope manual? I have never heard of one myself.

They look like my Factory manuals, but they have the Repair Pro logo on them.

There is repair manuals and service manuals.


Hi Dave.


I would be interested in the 07 to 2001 Royal Star Disk.

I would be happy to pay for the shipping and any cost involved to Iceland.

Let me know if this is still available and doable.


Friendly regards from Iceland,

Hi All,

I have the Repair Pro disk for the Royal Star series.

I no longer need it.

RSTD 97-01

RSTD 05-09

RS Venture 99-10

Royal Star 96-98

Royal Star Boulevard 98-01

RS Tour Classic 96-00


Let me know if anyone wants it. I will mail it to you.




Sorry - Made a mistake.

I mean the RS Tour Classic 96-00 disk :)


Friendly regards from Iceland,


Jonas / StarFan

Hi All,

I have the Repair Pro disk for the Royal Star series.

I no longer need it.

RSTD 97-01

RSTD 05-09

RS Venture 99-10

Royal Star 96-98

Royal Star Boulevard 98-01

RS Tour Classic 96-00


Let me know if anyone wants it. I will mail it to you.





Just a suggestion here sir..and by all means, not trying to put you on the spot.


Is there any way you could make a handull of copies (8 to 10 copies) on discs and send them to Dragonrider (or myself) where we could use them for door prizes at our Vogel rally or maintenance day or any other M&Eat rally we have.


Here is another thought: If you can make just one copy and send it to me I will make the other copies to be given away. I will even pay you the postage and cover the cost of the other disc.



If you have already mailed it to someone I ask the recieving party to contact me. Thanks



Is this separate disks or one disk? Would love to have the manual for my 08 venture if it's not one disk and on the way to Iceland ;-).


If it is only one disk I will back out with pleasure :)


Not trying to cut anyone out but I like Eck's Idea with a little twist.


Auction some of those copies for St Judes betting there is more than a few that would like a copy.:big-grin-emoticon:


I would love to get a copy of the RS 96 to 2001 if possible.


Tell me how much for the delivery and more than happy to send the money plus the cost of the CD Copy.






I would like to have one also for my '06RSTD.

I am about to locate someone to help me rework the carbs, , , going to be getting ready for a trip to Pa and Ma in June.:fingers-crossed-emo


Dave !


Thanks so much for the file. This is simply awesome to have - all models and owners manuals in one file :) as well as easy access part list -

Faaaaantastic :cool10:


Friendly regards from Iceland,


Jonas / StarFan

i too would like a copy or what ever for my venture!:thumbsup2: if it goes to auction for st. judes that would be alright too!!

Me too !!:thumbsup:


Winston 66 , From Down under in Australia

Hello, everyone,

If possible i would like to be included in obtaining as copy of this especially as I have the 1996/1997 XVZRoyal Star and parts and information on these machines is almost non exhistant over here.

I am happy to make a suitable donation and front , and pay for any shipping etc that may be necessary, if someone could let me know what is needed.

Cheers to you all, Winston66 Western Ausralia.


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