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Condor, are you SURE that you are remembering it correctly? Vacuum molds are very cheap. Now injection molds molds are very expensive. My company does both and we do custom vacuum molding every single day and the molds are so cheap that they are destroyed immediately after using them.


It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure you said 5G's for an aluminum mold, and in your biz they made them out of compressed something or other that lasted around 100 cycles?? So I gotta ask... What are they running nowdays?? If they're cheap enough maybe there might be some hope yet... :-)


You wouldn't need an aluminum mold for the number of them that would likely be sold. We use some aluminum molds for popular items that we know will sell for many years but the custom stuff is made of MDF wood. They can be used MANY times if necessary and even repair if needed with a wood putty. If it weren't for the patent issue, I would be willing to have you send that one to me and I would get a quote on having them done. Even doing ONE wouldn't be an outrageous price. I won't get into the patent problem though.

I think that we could make them with no problem at all. BUT...I think that somebody bought the patent and I have no desire to fight a legal battle.


I believe the Venturers board bought the patents, and I have on file a letter from Brent Evens giving quasi permission to make them and share them with their club as they were not willing to sell the patents or the registered name 'TripMasters'. I wonder if they actually have a patent on the product, or just the registered name?? Plastic housings have been made for many years before the V-Pod came along in the auto industry.


The pod I have is the one you sold me many moons ago. It actually should be modified to improve the design.

And... I kinda like Ponch's better... :)


Folks, I simply will not pursue this. I always understood that there was a patent on the product. If there is not, I would need proof of that. If somebody else wants to do all the footwork, get the permissions, etc., I would be willing to submit it to my people about manufacturing them. If it were to work out, I would be willing to sell them to our members, the Venturerider members, or whomever at the same price but I am not interested in fighting any battles to get it done.

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