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Its over .................


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For my daughter that is, 2 weeks ago she was pinned upon completeing her RN Nursing school. Next step was taking the state exam to get her license. Well she took it last Thursday, and she was sure she flunked it, she was devastated. She got an email from the state on Sat. morning that she passed the test and was issued her RN License. Charlene and I are as proud as we can be. 2 1/2 years ago she decided she wanted to become a nurse. She is a devoted mother to our grandsons and she juggled being a mom, wife and student while maintaining a 3.8 gpa, and received the Deans Leadership Award. This Thursday she will be graduating and its all over. Now all she has to do is find a job, and there are no shortage of nursing jobs around here. I know she is going to be an outstanding nurse, and this coming from a little girl who couldnt stand the sight of blood as a kid.

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Congradulations to your Daughter Lewis!!! Sounds like she done good! Nursing can be some long hours and many heartbreaks along the way but it is also a very rewarding career. Best wishes and prayers to her.


PS it's perfectly OK for you to feel very proud of her!!!

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Congrats. I know how hard it is to juggle a family and graduate, with honors no less. You as well as she, should be extremely proud of her perserverence. She has a lifetime of job security. I do not know her, but anyone who acomplished what she did, will make a fine nurse indeed.


Edited by Barrycuda
Because I wanted to
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You and Charleen are experienceing the same feelings that Konnie and I went through when our daughter graduated from Auburn two years ago and became a nurse.

We too we so happy and proud. Makes you feel like as a parent you just might have done something right.. :rotf:

The nursing job offers will start flying in soon.

Our daughter landed a nursing job 4 days after she graduated and she is often called with other nursing job offers coming in from other states.

In fact, she lives close to Auburn, Alabama, and she just accepted a new nursing job offer in Atlanta and will be starting in two weeks.

Im happy for you guys and your daughter!! :thumbsup2:

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