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Any Body Been Sick?

Yama Mama

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Never had a flu shot and never will and I rarely get sick. Occasionally get a cold or simply feel tired and weak but that happens maybe once or twice over a 2 or 3 year span.


Now, there's a lot of rum circulating in my system so that may have something to do with it... :Laugh:

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I've had two flu shots in my lifetime. Both times the very next day I was sick as a dog with the flu. That was enough for me. I'll never get another. I work outside everyday through the winter. Other than an occasionally cold I have no complaints. If I do get sick Alka-Seltzer Cold works wonders especially if I can use it when I first feel it coming on. The only pills I take are Fish oil, Mens One-A-Day, Glucosamine Joint Therapy & Golden seal root. Almost never have a headache and if I do a nap is usually enough to make it go away. Arthritis in my shoulders is my biggest problem. That only rears its head in the wintertime or if its damp and wet outside. Occupational problem, but hey something has to remind us we are not spring chickens anymore.:D

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We started getting flu shots about 5 or 6 years ago. Neither of us get sick anymore. Before, everywinter, we would both get sick, worse for her, several trips to the hospital, affecting her asthma. The shots are the best thing for us!

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