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When you put your bikes (trikes) up for the "winter" do you do anything special? Cover your tail pipes?


Don put the trike in his shop but didn't do much else yet. He has been riding it some, but not for the last couple of weeks. Well...yesterday, the grandkids were here and playing in the shop with their hot wheel cars (they KNOW not to play near the bike). Caiden says to Grampa: Grampa, did you know there are nuts in your tailpipe? Grampa: HUH???

So we all go over to the trike, bend over and look...there are a handful of acorns stuffed in the tailpipes. ???? Well alrighty, something is loose in the shop and is storing food for winter. Houston, we have a problem!

Don gets his shop vac out, gets the nuts out...hopefully end of problem. NOPE!!


Daughter-in-law Kandi goes hunting last night, kills a deer, brings it over to the shop for Don and Daniel (our son, Kandi's husband) to process today...


Don and Daniel go to the shop, start working on the deer, and Don decides to have a look at the pipes on the bike...????? There is something in there again...DEER MEAT!! chunks of deer meat! Whatever is out there...definitely thinks there is going to be a long winter...well let me tell you something! The winter is not going to be long enough for this critter. Traps are set! Will keep you posted!


Not just a winter problem... I had a Suzuki gs500... it was for the kids to ride you know.... and one of the daycare kids my wife looks after dropped a piece of sidewalk chalk down the pipe.

Well chalk does not really burn but with a cup of warm water added and soaked over night, then a long ride we never saw that chalk again. But be aware at all times, you never know.


Ever think about stuffing a couple of tennis balls in the end of the mufflers?? I guess masking tape over the end would work too. :2cents:


Sounds about what happen to me

Started the Venture up (Bub Mufflers) and blew out a mouse when I rev. the engine up LOL

As for my Piggy Backer I found dog food stuffed up in the bar of my tongue talk about a mess had to use a clothes hanger to dig it out

Or find a mouse in my Goldwing trunk how it got in there ? anyway I got it out and gave it to my barn cat went out next day found papers torn up so I set a trap and next day bingo dead mouse guess I had two making a nest in my trunk


Sounds about what happen to me

Started the Venture up (Bub Mufflers) and blew out a mouse when I rev. the engine up LOL


As for my Piggy Backer I found dog food stuffed up in the bar of my tongue talk about a mess had to use a clothes hanger to dig it out


Or find a mouse in my Goldwing trunk how it got in there ? anyway I got it out and gave it to my barn cat went out next day found papers torn up so I set a trap and next day bingo dead mouse guess I had two making a nest in my trunk




I had a couple pair of Kit Foxes take up residence under my shed/office for a couple of months last spring. We no longer have a rodent problem.... :) :whistling:


I pulled the radio and cassette deck out of the trike a few weeks ago and at first glance I thought someone had put insulation in there, but after looking closer it turned out to be a nest of some sort, I guess it got in through the vent in the front of the fairing. I pulled so much chewed up cloth and paper it was really packed in there really good. Looked under the other side of the fairing but nothing there.

Ever think about stuffing a couple of tennis balls in the end of the mufflers?? I guess masking tape over the end would work too. :2cents:


Now wouldn't that make a double barrel "twang" when Don starts her up at the end of winter :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:

Hey Patti..... don't stand behind the trike :yikes::yikes::duck::duck:


One spring I went to put in the battery for my Madura and found the air filter stuffed with maple seeds. The absolute worst was when some otters got into my sailboat. They could make a skunk smell sweet.


When I went to look at the Virago I noticed that the mufflers had pvc plugs in them. The PO explained that a mouse had been storing dog food in the mufflers. He said that one day he went out to ride it. It was hard to start (unusual), and that when it did start it blew dog food all over the garage door.


I have a verylow mileage Ford pickup. I say low mileage because it started leaking gas from the gas tank area, and I thought it was odd for something like that to happen. It was spraying gas from somewhere above the tank. I had to take the bed off to get to the leak. When I did, I found a bunch of acorns, and tiny teeth marks on the gas lines coming out the top of the tank. I never saw the creature, so I don't know if it was a squirrel or a mouse.


Wife had a chevy chevette back in the early 80's


went to start it one day and nothing...


had it towed to a shop and mechanic called me back laughing his butt off.


Seems something had drug some acorns behind the plastic cover for the timing belt...


You guessed it, when i tried to start it, the belt derailed. he put it back and it ran just fine.


Back in those days the valve clearances allowed the engine to be turned over with impunity....Guess they planned for broken belts etc... not so with some newer autos.


I second this one, I've found acorns and nesting material in my mufflers. PVC plugs sounds like a good idea.


But venison, now that's a great idea! Don't kill that little fella. Ahhh...the smell of roasting meat while I cruise on down the road. I may not get very far before I get hungry and have to stop at the nearest diner!:rotf:


Years ago we canoed in Canada's Algonquin Provincial Park. We parked a shuttle car at the end of the trip. After 10 days of fantastic fishing and canoeing we arrived at the remote area we had parked the shuttle car. It cranked and cranked but did't start. Opened the hood, all the rubber belts and hoses had been eaten. Later in the day the ranger making his rounds found us camped out next to the car in a no camping area (they had little yellow signs posted on where you could camp.) He told us porcupines were known for doing that.

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