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Ok, we dodged another bullet. The world as we know it did not end ..... again. We've seen enough of these predictions over our life times to know, or belive, or think it's all hokie as hell. Well I do anyway.


I have a good friend that made a small fortune during the Y2K paranoia selling supplies like oil heaters and laterns, bulk canned goods, bulk dried goods, solar systems, water systems and such and even refurbished old style 29 channel CB's and Ham Set ups. And batteries! man he sold tons of batteries! He had even set up with a Federal Firearms License and was able to sell weapons.


When I asked him what he had done for his own survival he laughed his butt off. He had cash! What more could you need? I though he was one of the most poorly prepared of all.


Now don't get me wrong. I'm no survivalist, not even close to what some people are doing these days. I still got a little Boy Scout left in me and I have always liked the "Be Prepared" mentality.


So, let's pretend, that the world as we know it today, has collasped. The global monetary system is gone. Every form or currency is worthless and the base of the system such as gold and silver and worth the same weight in dirt. There are still items to be had, but money means nothing. It's down to trade or barter.


So just curious, when the stuff hits that fan, what would you see that you have that is of value to the rest of the world? What can you do? What do you have that will allow you to continue on? What can you contibute to the new world?


I read an article a while back that used the term "The New Normal". Something we might all have to consider someday. Now that don't sound so far fetched as the world just ending does it. Just a new "Normal".


Forget about why it happend and who caused it. It did and now you need to go forward.


So what ya got?




Gas ( 60 day+/- shelf life) guns and bullets - hunting and protection, propane bottles, water purifier(s)/filtering systems, solar type items since recharging would otherwise take gas or electricity ( first stuff to disappear) matches/lighters are few to come to mind.


I believe in being prepared... haven't done much towards it though... our power grid is the weakest link in our society and with that down, water, food, gas, heat, etc is gone in a heartbeat. :shock3:


What I got is basic survival skills, a full tank of gas to get me far from the cities, and a lot of ammo to shoot game for food.


I'll take my chances in the wilderness where I will not have to fight off those that want what I have. New normal or not, I might still just do this some day.

Posted (edited)

What have I got? WATER ! Lots of it. That will be the new gold standard for the world. Other than that, I live out in the country, behind a fully fenced property, behind a locked gate, a lot of privacy, and the willingness to do what I need to to survive.

Edited by Miles

We've got governments that have run up national debts and taxes to the point where we can't pay any more. European countries are failing, currency is up and down like a toilet seat, job market is in the dumpster.... you sure we aren't already there?


Don, the question posed by Mike was, "what ya got?" He meant, what have ya got...to survive, to trade, to barter. He did not mean, what have ya got to complain about.


So, Don, what have you got ?:backinmyday:

Don, the question posed by Mike was, "what ya got?" He meant, what have ya got...to survive, to trade, to barter. He did not mean, what have ya got to complain about.


So, Don, what have you got ?:backinmyday:


It won't matter.


Not long ago I read an article from a "supposed" expert dealing with this exact scenario. According to this person, within the first year 2/3 of the world's population would die.

And if that happened, the disease generated from all the rotting corpses (and the polluted water) would take out most of the rest who survived that year.


Think I'd rather go in the disaster that created the collapse. My future is secure, even though I don't have a weapons cache.



I've got a four wheel drive, a .22 rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun for getting food. Rods and reels for fishing. I've got a deep well that has a large enough casing that I can manually get water out of it for drinking until it becomes contaminated. I wonder how many radioactive squirrels you have to eat before it kills you? :)


The fact is, I'm just got going to worry about such things. When it is your time, it is your time. Greater things await.


Mike...I disagree with the comment that gold and silver would be worth dirt...this and precious stones (or anything rare) would have a reduced value at least for a while but not long term.

Personally, I have the skills to survive if not the means (ie; weapons etc) but at the end of the day I agree with Freebird.

Posted (edited)

So just curious, when the stuff hits that fan, what would you see that you have that is of value to the rest of the world? What can you do? What do you have that will allow you to continue on? What can you contibute to the new world?


I read an article a while back that used the term "The New Normal". Something we might all have to consider someday. Now that don't sound so far fetched as the world just ending does it. Just a new "Normal".



forget the guns and ammo they won't be available.


depending on what happened you may or may not be able to live off of the land.


Best thing would either be to stick your head in the sand like an osterich and get it over with as quickly as possible.




Have the foresight to have planned ahead, Ample food stocks, and stay out of sight for about 30-45 days because of the roaming masses. You'll still have to deal with some hard core types when you come out, but if you planned properly, it won't be a problem.


What would you see that you have that is of value to the rest of the world? Im a pretty good teacher


What can you do? Can do anything i read about


What do you have that will allow you to continue on? Foresight...


What can you contibute to the new world?

Hopefully good seed:whistling:although the wife probably won't let me share I'm sure:rotf::rotfl:The Postman comes to mind for some reason...

Edited by CaptainJoe

Fishing gear, hand guns, assault rifle, shoot guns, hunting rifle, camping gear, and a place to go and get away from the masses. Like most agree, you'll need to be self sufficient for atleast a month after that you'll need to form alianses for long term survival.


I think hoarders will be attacked by their neighbors by the third week if they're living out of their homes.

Posted (edited)

Fishing gear, hand guns, assault rifle, shoot guns, hunting rifle, camping gear, and a place to go and get away from the masses. Like most agree, you'll need to be self sufficient for atleast a month after that you'll need to form alianses for long term survival


Theres a show on tv "Doomesday Preppers"

alianses would need to be made before the stuff hit the fan. Strength in numbers.


don't know why but I cant reduce the size of type and computer is acting very unpredictallyy...


Perhaps it's starting!:eek:

Edited by CaptainJoe
I wonder how many radioactive squirrels you have to eat before it kills you? :)



In looking at that in the light of the question I'm thinking what would the market value be on that radioactive squirrel?


In that sitaution you have expended a shell to get the squirrel. Would you take 5 more shells for in trade? An item of clothing? A can opener? LOL!


Yamamike brings a good point. But how long would it take to rebuild a value system. That squirrel might bring a nice diamond ring from someone hungry enough.


In this case I'd rather trade for more shells rather than a diamond. The shells would hold more value as they can provide more food or even protection. A diamond? Go ahead, throw one at a squirrel.


If you have a trade, you can barter for other services or items. I'll build you a shelter for one of your goats. I'll show help you plow your land for a few head of cattle.


Oh hell, what will a roll of toilet paper be worth? Don, you have had experience with that shortage. And you probably realized bringing more food was not the correct solution. Chilli not accepted here!!! :rotf:


I'm just throwing senarios out there to make the point of my question.


And I argree. We are close to that position now. The economy is failing world wide. What will we do when it falls in rubble? The only value at that point is what you or I see as a need of the item.


And we move on......


I thought it was TONIGHT at midnight(according to people I have talked to) even a radio station has an End Of The World party going on today and tonight and if it doesn't end then they are invited to a redemtion party tomorrow.


I have book that I have been reading for a while that is filled with future telling.. unlike all these other fortune telling books that I have also read, this one has proven over and over again to be down right accurate - enough so that I have come to a point in my life that its the only source I even consider when it comes to fortune telling.. i was reading it the other day and came across a portion that was discussing the question of when its all gonna end - this book simply said - no one knows.. my take on that is if no one knows and someone says they know than i know its not going to happen when they say it is lol..

The way anyone is going to survive if what we are talking about were to happen is thru pure creativity.. The same kind of creative thought that our modern society has never really appreciated.. bluntly put,, a good example of this is all those people who drive around in or on vehicles without the curiousity of what makes it tick are going to have a very hard time..

I would stock up on Twinkies, cause they last forever.



Wait, what? You mean they don't make Twinkies anymore?







Save yourself! Check on ebay!!! You'll be fine!! Broke..... but Twinkied up.


In reality, if this did actually happen, we would live just like they did 500 years ago. Groups would form into clans, and there would be leaders of that. Small communities would have to be made, there would be hunters and gatherers. Everyone would have to pull their weight, it wouldn't be a cake walk.


Ammo and guns would be a must for protection and hunting, but have to be used smartly as there is only so much of it. Lots of other hunting methods would be used, archery, trapping, things that mountain men and woodsman have done for centuries.


Im with Don, I will deal with whatever comes along as it comes along. My skills as a fabricator would be useful for bartering.....interesting comments though :)

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