DragonRider Posted December 21, 2012 #1 Posted December 21, 2012 I got gas for $2.89 a gallon after my .10 discount at Kroger's. Hoping it keeps falling some and stays there, but I dont think it will. :crying: What are you paying in your neck of the woods?
Wrench Posted December 21, 2012 #3 Posted December 21, 2012 I got it Wednesday afternoon in Elizabethtown for $2.94, that was w/.03 cents off at the Sam's Club, stopped again there yesterday and it was $2.97 and the attendant said his boss was out "checking the other prices", and that usually means a price increase. There's a cluster of about 6 stations right around the Towne Mall area on 31-W and they kinda "rule" the local market prices. Went back out to Wally-World last night and saw that they were all at $3.26, they all react to each other, with the Speedway station usually leading the way. Back during the stupid times I've seen them change prices as much as 4 times in a day. Just down I-65 in Glendale and Sonora it's usually always 12-15 cents less than here in town. I saw an article in the newspaper last night that crude was up because of a drop in the U.S surplus, and because of a stronger German economy(??), and here I thought it went up just because the sun came up yesterday morning, SILLY ME!!
Hummingbird Posted December 21, 2012 #5 Posted December 21, 2012 $2.82 in Canton, Ohio 9 miles down the road to Malvern where I live $3.24 so I run the truck down to less than 1/4 tank to make the trip worthwhile. Had to do a bunch of nonsence running around but look at the potential savings. 20 gallons X .42 = $8.40 savings - not a great deal but I have the time and it only take a gallon or so for the round trip.
Mel Posted December 21, 2012 #6 Posted December 21, 2012 Yesterday (Wednesday) morning at Meijer store on East 96th St. in Indianapolis, with $.10 discount we paid $2.899. I don't remember the last time it was below $3.00. But there's lots of things I don't remember any more, so it may have been sometime recently.
bongobobny Posted December 21, 2012 #7 Posted December 21, 2012 Around $3.70 give or take a few cents, down from around $4. New York State: Land of Taxes...
Miles Posted December 21, 2012 #8 Posted December 21, 2012 I paid $ 3.19 yesterday at Costco, in Tumwater, WA. We too have seen prices dropping, but they always seem to drop a lot slower than they went up.
Snaggletooth Posted December 21, 2012 #9 Posted December 21, 2012 It's been dropping pretty steady here for a while. Down to $2.92 at most stations. However...... I noticed yesterday that some stations, at the height of the snow storm, had raised their prices back to $3.95. A buck a gallon jump at the first sign of snow? Come on! That's gouging with a big stick!!
Mike G in SC Posted December 21, 2012 #10 Posted December 21, 2012 Low of $2.91, range is up to $3.09 here. Still a dollar up from 4 years ago. I'm guessing everyone knows about Gas Buddy: http://gasbuddy.com/ There is also an APP for that, works by your location. (And links for Ethanol Free: http://pure-gas.org/ )
KIC Posted December 21, 2012 #11 Posted December 21, 2012 Tucson is hovering around $2.85/gallon and 70 degrees daytime temps..which for all you suffering from PMS..means I get to keep riding and cheaply too.... Sorry...don't mean to rub it in...... or do I .....? Hmmm.....
Flyinfool Posted December 21, 2012 #12 Posted December 21, 2012 $3.05 this morning. The snow storm had no effect on the gas price. Kic, while you are out riding, my PMS has me home with my honey, snuggled up close to generate heat, and dealing with whatever comes up.....
deepforkriver Posted December 21, 2012 #14 Posted December 21, 2012 $2.89 in OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahomaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:mo money:
dingy Posted December 21, 2012 #17 Posted December 21, 2012 Was $2.95 till yesterday, now it's $3.29 at corner gas station. Mansfield, Ohio Gary
StarFan Posted December 21, 2012 #19 Posted December 21, 2012 You guys are LUCKY !!!! This morning in Ontario Canada price is $1.21 / litre - works out to $4.58/US gal ! You Canadians are lucky. Here the price today is US$ 7.41 / US gallon. Welcome to ICELAND !
Sleeperhawk Posted December 21, 2012 #20 Posted December 21, 2012 I paid $ 3.19 yesterday at Costco, in Tumwater, WA. We too have seen prices dropping, but they always seem to drop a lot slower than they went up. Gone up 15 cents since yesterday, wonder why? Are they trying to gouge Santa and his Reindeer? I thought there were laws against that sort of thing.
fgrimes636 Posted December 22, 2012 #21 Posted December 22, 2012 My wife just saw $2.75 in Denver about an hour ago.
djh3 Posted December 22, 2012 #22 Posted December 22, 2012 $3.14 9/10 Sebring Fl. You ever try to stop the pump @ that 9/10ths ? As long as I have been buying gas I have wondered why its priced that way.
Wrench Posted December 22, 2012 #23 Posted December 22, 2012 There are laws against price gouging, but here in the great state of Ky. our Attorney General says his office has investigated ALL the "tips" they have received. They actually did find that Marathon/Speedway gouged customers on ONE day last year. They settled the charges with a $0.06/gal refund for about an 8 hour window. The AG ran for office again and after the election it was found that there were several owners of fuel distribution that contributed to his campaign,,,, all legal donations though. Like the saying goes, "a poor man ain't got a chance"! They all know we're going to buy their gas, yeah, we may cut back some here and there but we still buy it. The job I have now has me using my personal vehicle and I'm reimbursed at $.40/mi. If I use my truck, which sometimes I have to, then that doesn't leave much meat on the bone for "upkeep" if it's much above $3.00/gal.
Sailor Posted December 22, 2012 #24 Posted December 22, 2012 Equivalent to $4.60/gal Here on Saltspring.
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