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....in the least, I figure it is a dam good reason to get Squid to move BACK to Michigan!!!


If anyone wants a reputable CBC reporter's (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) take on this law, feel free to PM me and I'll send you the article.


Florida is known as a right to work state. However, it should be renamed "right to get canned" state. Breathing the wrong way is reason enough to be let go around these parts. Thankfully, this time I have a degree to keep me employed.


Is there some way we can have a pool on how long until this topic gets deleted?:stirthepot: I think I see the long shadows of moderators circling.

My question is, what do you Michi-ganders do with that 2 weeks of Summer you guys get??? (just tryin' to lighten the mood!!):stirthepot:


Seems to me y'all got more snow than we did last winter :stickpoke: The weather in Ky. isn't that much better than here.


And about those 2 weeks, we mostly swat mosquito's :doh:

Seems to me y'all got more snow than we did last winter :stickpoke: The weather in Ky. isn't that much better than here.


And about those 2 weeks, we mostly swat mosquito's :doh:

:sign yeah that:


Also, the highway system becomes one massive work zone.

Is there some way we can have a pool on how long until this topic gets deleted?:stirthepot: I think I see the long shadows of moderators circling.

Don't rightly know which word it was that sent up the red flag, was either Michigan or Swifty,, or maybe both.

Thanks Dave,,, we haven't had something to do for a while,, it's about time,, we do need to earn our pay eh?


Why is it in a FREE Country, where men and women have given up their lives to protect FREEDOM, union thugs think they can own a state, force people to join a union and pay dues like slaves to the union and if you don't ,they commit acts of violence against people and families... :shock3:


You ask a union member if they believe in freedom of choice regarding killing a baby and they say "YES". Ask them if a U.S citizen should have the freedom of choice to not belong to a union..they say "NO". :confused24:


rant off.....

Don't rightly know which word it was that sent up the red flag, was either Michigan or Swifty,, or maybe both.

So now I'm sending up red flags? I admit some people have lovingly called me "red" but the only flag I'm holding these days are the colours of my union (BLUE and GOLD)...which has given me way more benefits than I've ever paid into it, and is currently fighting legislation that is taking away my right to negotiate wages with my employer, and my right to have an employment contract secure from government intervention. I suppose, like people, unions can come in good and bad stripes. However, I disagree with posts about baby killing and criminal activities if you don't join. At least not up here. Anyhooo, I just wanted to find some excuse to get Squid to move back to Michigan...(bike related) I miss my warehouse and parts installation station.


I hope the moderators do not see red where it doesn't exist.


I dunno, last night on the news they said something about a non-unnion worker makes on average $1500 a year less than a union worker. So I have no idea what your monthly dues are but conservitavly a guess would be somewhere say $50-80 month? So thats a min of $600 a year your giving back to somebody else that your paying taxs on. Then count in the 4-5 weeks every year or two it seemed my brothers use to be out of work on strike or plant shut down and I dont really see it as a bonus. If you want to join go ahead. Anymore I dont think ANY employer has to give a reason for firing anybody. They just state "below work standards" and out the door you go. Workers have little to no bargining because there are "a 100 people outside the doors looking to get in".

I dunno, last night on the news they said something about a non-unnion worker makes on average $1500 a year less than a union worker. So I have no idea what your monthly dues are but conservitavly a guess would be somewhere say $50-80 month? So thats a min of $600 a year your giving back to somebody else that your paying taxs on. Then count in the 4-5 weeks every year or two it seemed my brothers use to be out of work on strike or plant shut down and I dont really see it as a bonus. If you want to join go ahead. Anymore I dont think ANY employer has to give a reason for firing anybody. They just state "below work standards" and out the door you go. Workers have little to no bargining because there are "a 100 people outside the doors looking to get in".


Actually, union dues are tax deductible. At least I deduct SWMBO's

Never worked for a union, never wanted to...



Before I start - on each side of this, there are good & bad...



In 1977, I had been a member of CWA (Communication Workers of America) for 5 years & out on strike for 10 weeks when the Union leaders started sending out groups of striking members to specifically "harass in any way" members who could not afford to be out on strike any more & had gone back to work.

Yes - we were sent out to be thugs to hunt & harass/beat "scabs" if we found them. Big bad gangs to beat-up people who put their family first.

The next day it was escalated. Now we were to hunt down the wives & children of the "scabs".


Being a Solitary Exception, I told them where to stick that order. I wrote up my resignation, hopped on my BSA 441 & hand delivered it to the Union Bosses. Then I drove directly to work a went right the through the gang of cowards. Back then I was a force to recon with & they were cowards. Cowards that were too afraid to do the right thing.



No that was a BAD UNION. I'm sure there are needed good ones out there.

It is common now days for all employees to be treated like Dairy Cows on a Dairy Farm. As soon as you don't look like the others or don't give enough milk, its off to the Butchers with you. Poof - you are hamburg!




Our wages continue to erode. That I do know. Other than that - I don't see any easy fix.



Before I start - on each side of this, there are good & bad...



In 1977, I had been a member of CWA (Communication Workers of America) for 5 years & out on strike for 10 weeks when the Union leaders started sending out groups of striking members to specifically "harass in any way" members who could not afford to be out on strike any more & had gone back to work.

Yes - we were sent out to be thugs to hunt & harass/beat "scabs" if we found them. Big bad gangs to beat-up people who put their family first.

The next day it was escalated. Now we were to hunt down the wives & children of the "scabs".


Being a Solitary Exception, I told them where to stick that order. I wrote up my resignation, hopped on my BSA 441 & hand delivered it to the Union Bosses. Then I drove directly to work a went right the through the gang of cowards. Back then I was a force to recon with & they were cowards. Cowards that were too afraid to do the right thing.



No that was a BAD UNION. I'm sure there are needed good ones out there.

It is common now days for all employees to be treated like Dairy Cows on a Dairy Farm. As soon as you don't look like the others or don't give enough milk, its off to the Butchers with you. Poof - you are hamburg!




Our wages continue to erode. That I do know. Other than that - I don't see any easy fix.



So.........are you saying you do, or do not recommend union?


If you really want to know about unions and the behind the scenes ...read a book called Culture of Corruption. It really opened my eyes and furthered my understanding of unions .


Unions had their place in the early stages of the industrial revolution. They did protect workers, helped change dangerous workplace issues, but today all that is taken care of by government agencies like OSHA EEOC etc.


Today, Unions are part of the problem, not the fix. They force inflated wages that then cause inflated prices and loss of business. They use obviously illegal tactics, threats and acts of violence, and steal U.S. Citizens right to work in peace and pursue their own style of happiness and the American dream.


If you don't join the union, you can count on having threats made (under other circumstances very illegal), damage done to your vehicle and house and other personal or business property (under other circumstances very illegal), acts to close down and impede your business (under other circumstances very illegal), and just the threat of all these actions is very illegal under any other circumstances.


Union upper management is very corrupt ( read Culture of Corruption) and i can't believe that union members allow for the corruption to exist. My family was the target of union hatred when my mother, who worked in a school kitchen refused to join the union in a right to work state , and went to school to make sure "her kids" were fed as most were poor and the best meals they got were in school. The union goons came like cowards in the night and smashed our home windows. Guess they wanted the kids to starve and show us how big and strong they were. I have personally watched unions protect "dirty" employees who stole and cheated employers and other employees, forcing the company to hire them back or not terminate for thefts and other serious actions.


BUT, the bottom line here is that people in THIS GREAT country should have the RIGHT to exercise their RIGHT to work in freedom and without the fear of reprisal by organized criminal activity. Where in the constitution does it say that a "private" group can control the livelihood of any US citizen ?? :confused24:


It doesn't !!

I figure it is a dam good reason to get Squid to move BACK to Michigan!!!


I will NEVER move back to Michigan, now this thread will be all nice and pleasant :)







I will NEVER move back to Michigan, now this thread will be all nice and pleasant



wow thanks for that ,,, I was getting worried :rotf:

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