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Is there a way to adjust the choke on 96 Royal Star? Mine looks to be closing the right carbs but not all the way on the side carbs. I am talking about the little plunger that the linkage bar hooks over. I actually need a new choke handle cause mine is busted.



Yes there is a way to adjust the choke rods give me a call at 9196735095 it would be easier to tell you how to do it than to type it out and hope that you can see the parts I am talking about



I will call you about it for sure. I did read about, and saw a couple of pics of your fix. I went out to my bike last night and took a couple of pics of the plunger. I even went as far as to open the choke and bend one of the tans over. One tab I could easily reach because the tab was visibal from the top but the other was hooked different. I am assuming if you need to do both tabs on the same side of bike cause it didnt do anything but tighten then plunger in between the tab..no visibal movement towards contact. I am questioning myself as to, is this something that has been this way or did I do this after I reinstalled the carbs? I would love someone to take a couple of pics of the linkage on their bike so I can compare. I think I have everything connected right...but ya never know...


I do not want to start any disagreements, but if nothing is broken, there should be no adjustments to the choke. First, it is not really a choke, it is an enricher circuit that works by adding mixture rather that the traditional move the butterfly type. There is a small plunger type actuator on each carb. There are really no adjustments, rather the opposite, in the closed position (knob in), those actuators need to be closed so when assembled, like I mentioned in Putt's other post, make sure there is no tension or no slack in the cables or linkages to these actuators. The linkages resemble little horseshoes that fit over what looks like a small belt pulley on the end of the actuators, the pulleys are wide enough to allow for a small amount of play. When properly assembled those linkages allow the actuators to all remain in the closed position. There is a set screw on the arm attaching those horseshoes, those set screws go into a detent on the arm and are not meant to be used as an adjustment. When tightening all the cable clamps, there is a keeper on the ends of the clamps that will allow for some play when tightening, set for no play and no tension. The knob assembly fits into a bracket on the knob end and has a plastic nut to hold it in place, no adjustment there, the other end has a clamp with the keeper, no adjustment, just assemble keeping it straight with no slack and no tension. I do not know what tabs you may be bending, but there should be nothing on those carbs you bend. The knob end is ABS plastic and can be broken fairly easily if pulled too hard. If the bike has been sitting for a long time, the choke plunger actuators get sticky, making the choke hard to pull, the plastic doesn't stand a chance against somebody that wants the choke on to get their bike started. When everything is working, unless it is really cold, the choke rarely needs pulled more than a couple of clicks. Each click should open all four actuators about 1/8 of an inch. I took some pictures but it is difficult to see anything under the carb banks. I will try to get some better ones if you think you need them. good luck! you can get my number from my profile and call if need a hand. :080402gudl_prv:

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