BIG TOM Posted December 4, 2012 #1 Posted December 4, 2012 Well anyone that has been around here for a spell knows that I have a hound from hell. Her name is Lily but should have been named Satan. I will not recant the thousands of dollars of things she has destroyed in the first 3 years of her young life. I actually believed that she suffered a brain injury before we purchased her but soon found out that she is actually of high intelligence as long as you have a treat in your hand..Not to mention her selective hearing and just plain stubborness... Well that is neither here nor there because she has made me fall in love with her. The scamp reminds me of ME in so many ways, but I don't want to get into that either and no I do not normally chew up the furniture...well, not that often anyway ......this bring me to my point of this story....My lovely bride Taters has been suggesting ALOT about getting her a no.... not a playmate for Taters.... the dog silly.....NOOOOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I say.........YEAH RIGHT...!! Well, I was surfing and found this site...... Dang site......WE had our interview yesterday and we are being notified shortly if we are going to be parents again.............. his name is FLASH and can be viewed on their site in the adoption pending section........WAIT, IS GETS BETTER...I have also filled out an application to become a volunteer for this organization and become involved in the RESCUE OF THESE LITTLE BUGGERS.....HOW do these thing happen to me.......?? Please take a look at the site and wish Taters and I luck in our quest to adopt this big beautiful boy ........this is a pic our our little troublemaker when she was a pup...HOW SWEET she looks......yeah, she fooled
Flyinfool Posted December 4, 2012 #2 Posted December 4, 2012 I'll bet she even likes ice cream. Or has she never been given the chance....... Good luck with the new family. Tell Taters I said, "Nice pants she's wearing"
BOO Posted December 4, 2012 #3 Posted December 4, 2012 We do not have dogs anymore but have had several. The best dog we had was a Bassett hound. Very nice dog. BUT we took her to training school and then had to attend ourselves for a while. I think what made her a good dog was the training. She could be left alone in the house for hours on end and not bother anything. She did like to sleep on the couch though. Lived to be around 15 years old. They just need training----- otherwise they will train you the way they want you to be. Good looking dog. BOO
BIG TOM Posted December 4, 2012 Author #4 Posted December 4, 2012 (edited) We do not have dogs anymore but have had several. The best dog we had was a Bassett hound. Very nice dog. BUT we took her to training school and then had to attend ourselves for a while. I think what made her a good dog was the training. She could be left alone in the house for hours on end and not bother anything. She did like to sleep on the couch though. Lived to be around 15 years old. They just need training----- otherwise they will train you the way they want you to be. Good looking dog. BOO\\ No you misunderstand.......I have been training dogs in obedience , field trials, and show for years....SHE FINALLY KNOWS HER COMMANDS PERFECTLY...heel, stand, sit, down, stay , come and NO.....You just can't turn your back on her for a second....thats when the brain injury comes in.......EVERYTHING BELONGS TO HER and she will take it if you don't stop her...WHEN YOU REPRIMAND HER ..she is evil and will take revenge when you turn your back...Dont think for a second that that "NO" is or will be forgotten.....ever...she WILL get even .......the funny part is when I say no, lily sometimes takes it out on Taters...sometime with a little playful to say "there thats for not siding with me...." I tell you this hound is not right in the head... love her to death but not right in the head at times....... but thats why we love her....she can be a handful at times....most of the time she is a just cant believe that "I'll behave look " and leave her alone for 5 minutes.......been fooled to many times....... Edited December 5, 2012 by BIG TOM
we2riders Posted December 4, 2012 #5 Posted December 4, 2012 Sounds like raising kids all over again Only with dogs they will probably never get to the point where they can get a job and move on!!! By sounds of things you have one that has great plans for you,, like someday this is allll going to be mine,, even the remote for the tv!!! CUTE PUP!!!
StarFan Posted December 4, 2012 #7 Posted December 4, 2012 Was just wondering if Taters mentioned the Icelandic Sheepdog puppy that,,,,,,,,,,never mind - you´ll find out soon !
Marcarl Posted December 5, 2012 #8 Posted December 5, 2012 Sounds to me that your household would be a perfect candidate for a raw food diet for them pups, you might be amazed at the change in their demeanor.
Phoneman1981 Posted December 5, 2012 #9 Posted December 5, 2012 Roscoe P Coaltrain. Now that is FUNNY!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the laugh. We adopted a Bassett several years ago. He lived out what years he had on our rural farm.
BIG TOM Posted December 5, 2012 Author #10 Posted December 5, 2012 (edited) Sounds to me that your household would be a perfect candidate for a raw food diet for them pups, you might be amazed at the change in their demeanor. I feed nothing but Blue Buffalo...expensive but worth it...A little goes in and even less comes back out (meat ,veggies, and fillers)....did the raw diet many years ago....My house was nothing but a methane factory with seven dogs ....Nooooo thanks... Edited December 6, 2012 by BIG TOM
Grump Posted December 5, 2012 #11 Posted December 5, 2012 poor guy. i had a wife like that . still am terrified :headache:of that side of the human race .
BIG TOM Posted December 6, 2012 Author #12 Posted December 6, 2012 (edited) Well Taters and myself were informed that we were not acceptable candidates to adopt ....Seems that because we do not have our Lily spayed and that we kennel her while we are at work we do not fit their criteria for adoption.....guess we should allow her to destroy ALL the furniture in the house.... Edited December 6, 2012 by BIG TOM
StarFan Posted December 6, 2012 #13 Posted December 6, 2012 Well Taters and myself were informed that we were not acceptable candidates to adopt ... Ohhhh,,,,These people are pros ! Seen right through you didn´t they ! Seriously Tom,,,these people must have a loose screw !
BigLenny Posted December 6, 2012 #14 Posted December 6, 2012 BIG TOM, We had a Basset one time. Loved her to death. Her name was Flo. She slept on our patio outside at night, and howled at moon all night long. I couldn't tell you how many times i had to get up during the night and yell at her to hush. It never worked, she just couldn't hold it in. the moon was too mesmerizing to her. LOL. After she passed, we went to the other end of the height spectrum. WE GOT A GREAT DANE!!! Now you talk about a tough pup to go through teething with. Within his first year he grew to be 130 lbs and and could stand on his hind feet and look me in the eyes, and I'm 6'6". We came home one day to find that he had turned over our patio table/umbrella and ate the whole umbrella lining. The only thing left was the huge umbrella frame, with no material on it. Another thing he did during teething was after I put up 7000 christmas lights on my house. I got home after dark one night and noticed a large section of my lights weren't on, and i figured my wife had forgotten to go out to the back of the house where they were plugged in and plug the lights in. Well, when I walked back there, I found that Samson (the Great Dane) had pulled the cord out of the plugin, and and pulled about 75 feet of the cord down from the eaves of my house where I had stapled it up, and he was sitting in the middle of the back yard with extension cord wrapped all around him, chomping/teething on the cord. Another funny one. I had spent a a large part of a Saturday mowing and weeding my lawn, and doing general yard work. After I was finished, I took a shower and was ready to sit and rest. I walked past my back door in time to see Samson trucking across my backyard pulling my $600.00 Honda push mower! I had forgotten to put it in the shed, and he grabbed the pull rope with his mouth and took off running with the mower in tow. I about killed him over that one. He eventually grew to be 190lbs. Oh, ask me about the incident that resulted in us getting him neutered.
gibvel Posted December 6, 2012 #15 Posted December 6, 2012 Well Taters and myself were informed that we were not acceptable candidates to adopt ....Seems that because we do not have our Lily spayed and that we kennel her while we are at work we do not fit their criteria for adoption.....guess we should allow her to destroy ALL the furniture in the house.... Tell them you'll trade Lily for Flash for a week and then they can see why you kennel her when you're not around. On another note, maybe spaying her would help her with her attitude.
GAWildKat Posted December 6, 2012 #16 Posted December 6, 2012 I can understand why a rescue group wouldn't want you to adopt a male dog if he was not fixed and your female wasn't fixed as well. As a former dog owner and someone who has worked with pet rescues in the past, what's up with these people? Why on earth is crating suddenly bad? I know rescue groups that encourage crate training to ensure dogs don't get bounced around in the rescue system their entire lives. On another note, spaying your dog can help with calming her down, it also reduces the risk of cancer, thus extending many more happy years with her tearing up the house!
BIG TOM Posted December 6, 2012 Author #17 Posted December 6, 2012 (edited) BIG TOM, We had a Basset one time. Loved her to death. Her name was Flo. She slept on our patio outside at night, and howled at moon all night long. I couldn't tell you how many times i had to get up during the night and yell at her to hush. It never worked, she just couldn't hold it in. the moon was too mesmerizing to her. LOL. After she passed, we went to the other end of the height spectrum. WE GOT A GREAT DANE!!! Now you talk about a tough pup to go through teething with. Within his first year he grew to be 130 lbs and and could stand on his hind feet and look me in the eyes, and I'm 6'6". We came home one day to find that he had turned over our patio table/umbrella and ate the whole umbrella lining. The only thing left was the huge umbrella frame, with no material on it. Another thing he did during teething was after I put up 7000 christmas lights on my house. I got home after dark one night and noticed a large section of my lights weren't on, and i figured my wife had forgotten to go out to the back of the house where they were plugged in and plug the lights in. Well, when I walked back there, I found that Samson (the Great Dane) had pulled the cord out of the plugin, and and pulled about 75 feet of the cord down from the eaves of my house where I had stapled it up, and he was sitting in the middle of the back yard with extension cord wrapped all around him, chomping/teething on the cord. Another funny one. I had spent a a large part of a Saturday mowing and weeding my lawn, and doing general yard work. After I was finished, I took a shower and was ready to sit and rest. I walked past my back door in time to see Samson trucking across my backyard pulling my $600.00 Honda push mower! I had forgotten to put it in the shed, and he grabbed the pull rope with his mouth and took off running with the mower in tow. I about killed him over that one. He eventually grew to be 190lbs. Oh, ask me about the incident that resulted in us getting him neutered. Now that thar is funny, I used to have 7 beagles roam my house all day long while Taters and I worked....Each dog is an individual and matures at their own pace...We keep Lily in the kennel to keep her safe and out of harm way....Guess we are bad owners....Ask about her kennel....its a luxury hotel...heated, 5x5 sleeping box filled with blankets (which she constantly chews up), a 12x10 indoor run that is 3 inches deep in shavings and a connecting 8x25 ft outdoor run....what punishment...we are just terrible...ok done ranting...time to move on:fnd_(16): Edited December 6, 2012 by BIG TOM
BIG TOM Posted December 6, 2012 Author #18 Posted December 6, 2012 (edited) Sorry to hear you didn't fit their criteria. If you were to spay Lilly.... would that put you in a "pass"? I agree.... would probably help calm her down. When I was confronted on why I didn't neuter lilly....I asked her if she had daughters and if she had them neutered...I think this is when the interview turned sour....:whistling:ok, I didn't asked that but I wanted to...... Edited December 6, 2012 by BIG TOM
BIG TOM Posted December 6, 2012 Author #19 Posted December 6, 2012 I can understand why a rescue group wouldn't want you to adopt a male dog if he was not fixed and your female wasn't fixed as well. As a former dog owner and someone who has worked with pet rescues in the past, what's up with these people? Why on earth is crating suddenly bad? I know rescue groups that encourage crate training to ensure dogs don't get bounced around in the rescue system their entire lives. On another note, spaying your dog can help with calming her down, it also reduces the risk of cancer, thus extending many more happy years with her tearing up the house! All their rescued dogs are first fixed before adoption....the stubborness is a basset trait. I have field triald dogs and showed dogs in a ring.......iF THE DOGS ARE FIXED STAY HOME YOU ENTRANCE FEE IS NOT ACCEPTED...Having a litter of pups also calms some dogs point....My dog choice.............................
Flyinfool Posted December 7, 2012 #20 Posted December 7, 2012 That's to bad you missed out. Did you try to bribe them with ice cream?
GAWildKat Posted December 7, 2012 #21 Posted December 7, 2012 My Dad bred and raised pointers, and no he didn't fix his dogs either til he got the jack russells, and no, they weren't hyper, just too smart for their own good. Doing field trials explains why you haven't had her fixed. No worries, it was a thought.
BIG TOM Posted December 7, 2012 Author #22 Posted December 7, 2012 That's to bad you missed out. Did you try to bribe them with ice cream? Naw, didn't miss out...they did....I contacted a breeder 66 miles away who will have a litter Jan 3rd......Taters has first pick.....:fatsmiley:and its ok with them that the pup will be kenneled while we are at work....
motorcycletom Posted December 7, 2012 #23 Posted December 7, 2012 Well Amy and I are glad you and Taters are getting one. Can't wait to see the pup.
bongobobny Posted December 7, 2012 #24 Posted December 7, 2012 Oh BOY!!! Another puppy to get all riled up when we visit!!!!!
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